"i am no different "

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Human to God: The Conversation... "I'm no different..."

I feel, I'm no different from many things i had done...

I'm no different from the tree uncertain of being alive or being cut for wood in this whole congested forest...

I'm no different than the ant and insects, which were randomly stamped upon knowingly or unknowingly...

I'm no different than that pigeon i used to push away from 'my' property...

I'm no different from that poor dog, who faced shower of stones even while eating from dustbin/ garbage...

I'm no different from the cow, panicking on human-made roads, pressurized by vehicles running in a serpentine manner and their deafening horns!

I'm no different from that little butterfly who became object of interest and got caught for its beauty...

Today,  I'm no different from those caged animals, which get limited premises to wander on...

I'm no different than those flying birds, whose shelters are now limited due to lesser trees...

I'm no different from that flower, which doesn't know of whether it'll be plucked anytime or will have time to fall on its own...

I've realised,  I'm no different from any living being on this earth and I've no authority over mother nature...

Give us one more chance, we'll come back as better souls...

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