Chapter 12

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The next day Bakugou and Uraraka are busy getting ready for the date, both nervous as ever. Luckily Uraraka has help from her girls and Denki. They pick out a blue mom jeans and a white tanktop with a white necklace and white sneakers. Since Bakugou said nothing to formal this was the best way to look decent. It was time. Denki hugs her and says "Good luck girl, go knock him dead and have fun!" "Thanks Denki" she replies before they leave.


It's already time for the date. My palms are sweating but at the same time I am calm. I hope this night goes well because if so... well.. I think everyone knows what's going to happen. I am wearing black jeans and a short sleve shirt with a jacket over it. I hope she likes my fit. I'm not really good in deciding what to wear. I don't care most of the time except now. I grab the orchids I bought for her today and I leave my room with my wallet and my phone ready. I knock on her door. My heart is racing. I planed everything out in my head but what could go wrong? Just imagine this as a normal day. She openes the door and I stare at her... She's so...beautiful. Her outfit shines like stars and her makeup is so well done...not too much, and she is showing off her body. Finally she's learning to accept her apprearance. " everything alright?" She says. I zoom out and I didn't even realise I was staring that long. "Uh- yeah. Here these are for you Uraraka" I hand over the flowers and she smiles with joy. "How did you know these are my favourite!" She smells them and thanks me with a hug. I blush. Her warmth is calming my nervs. I hug her back and say "Your welcome dummy. Now shall we go?" "Where are we even going Bakugou?" she asks. I didn't want to tell her so I answer "Dumbass I'm not telling you. Now grab your helmet were going with my motorcycle" She looks curious. So cute ugh. I smirk and ask her to follow me and I hold her hand. Kiri said it's cute and heartwarming to do that and he's not wrong. It really is a comforting feeling that I only want to share with her. We get on my motorcycle and she grabs onto me really tight. I am blusing even more. She knows what to do huh? We drive off and I tell her on the way "Don't look okay just close your eyes and trust me okay?" She looks nervous but closes her eyes and smiles. I can't stop smirking. Such a beautiful girl is sitting on the back of my motorcycle. We get there and I keep telling her to keep her eyes closed. She's giggling and I hold her hand to lead her the way. When we get to the entrance I allow her to open her eyes. She slowly opens them and directly smiles when she sees where we are at. "B-bakugou how did you-?" "Don't worry about it dumbass now go get whatever you want, I pay." "Oh really are you su-" "Don't question my decisions and get some food" She smiles and hugs me while she orders some spaghetti carbonara and I get my favourite pizza. We wait until they are done and I go pick them up. "Now Round Face close them again please." "Again wow Bakugou is being suspisious you are not gonna kidnap me are you?" she says and giggles. "I don't know, not yet at least" I say with a grin. She blushes and I can see it affected her in a positive way. I guess I am a genious in this, ha like always. 


After what he said I emediatly felt butterflys in my stomach. That was so hot and sudductive at the same time. I close my eyes and I fell a pull on my hand with my spaghetti in the other. I can smell the tasty noodles and my hands are warm, not just from the excitement, but from the box. "So here we are" he gets closer and says "you can open now shortie" "I said I'm no-" I wanted to say while opening my eyes but I am distracted by the location. The beach...He knows everything...I think Krishima helped him but either way he made such an effort for me. I can't stop smiling. I can feel me staring into the sea with joy. I put my noodles down and turn around with tears in my eyes. He starts to worry. "H-hey did I do something wrong? Is this to traumatising? Should we go back? Ugh I'm such an idiot." "No Bakugou, it's perfect...Thank you, these are tears of joy." "OH uh- no problem I was a bit worried there. Don't scrare me like that, shortiiee." He laughs after seing my annoyed look. "Hey for the record you are 5'8 and I'm 5'5 you can't tell me I'm short" "Oh really? Yeah you're still short to me, now cmon sit down before the food get's cold." We both sit on a rock while staring at the water flowing onto the shore. I'm enjoying my noodles while he is struggling getting a pizza piece off of the circle. I start to laugh. He seems so focused on this one piece and he looks so funny when he is angry. "What shortie, mind helping me?" "Sure, just do it with patience" I give him the piece and we keep on eating. I slowly realise how he's trying to hold my hand. I grab his hand softly and close my fingers with his while blushing. "Don't hesitate, it's okay Bakugou. You don't have to hide with me." He seems flustered but happy. As the evening nears he says...


I get my shit together and I'm going to do something I've never done before. I've always saved it up for someone I know can understand me and doesn't just want me for my looks. I look to her and say "You know Round Face, I know you like seeing the sunset but mind if you don't see it right now?" She seems confused but right as she wants to say something I put my hand on her cheek and I lean in for a kiss. It is my first kiss. I can feel she's surprised. So cute. It is a very passionate and soft kiss. It feels like our souls connected. I finally found someone that understands me for me and not for my strengths or my looks. I feel safe. The kiss ends and we both have deep eye contact and after a while she smiles and says "This felt nice...I felt-" "Connected huh?" "Yeah exactly...Bakugou, thank you for this lovely night. It has been the best date ever" "I'm going to make it even better" I saved up one specific orchid just for her and I had to cringe for a moment but then I gave the big question while handing her the flower "Round Face- I mean Uraraka, I really feel safe and comfortable around you...I want to have more times like these...Will you be my girlfriend?" Her eyes are glowing as she covers her mouth. I smile and say "What shortie get flustered easily? Cmon don't make this hard on me" "Well I'll give you your answer" She grabs my shirt and kisses me softly. I hold her waist and pull her closer. The kiss ends and I say with a flirty voice "So I take that as a yes teddybear?" "Teddybear? You have creative names for a girl." "Not a girl dumbass, my girlfriend" She gets flustered and I suggest that we go back before it gets too dark. She gets on my motorcycle and this time it felt nice having her so close knowing this brave, amaizing and beautiful girl is mine and only mine. I did it. I, Bakugou Katsuki, the scary angry guy, which I still am, did it to ask my first crush out. We drive to the dorms and I park. She jumps off and hugs me tight. She thanks me again and I tell her good night. She says it back and gives me a slight kiss on the cheek. As she is walking inside I let out a soft smirk and I walk to my dorm unseen. I guess everyone is asleep so no annoying questions. Thank god. I hate large crouds. I fall onto my bed and just hold my hand on my face and start to blush. I am still processing that I did that. I guess there's a first time for everything...even for me. I fall asleep with a happy feeling knowing that tomorrow I can see her and know that noone can take her from me.

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