Chapter 6

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After Bakugou cheered me up I really felt confident about going back. I walk back to the others. "There you are! I see Bakugou found you, ribbit" Tsuyu says. Everyone is looking at me with relief. Bakugou looks at me like asking if he should say anything. I shake my head and say "Sorry guys I wanted to get my gogles but I guess I didn't take them with me. Now race to the water!!" I yell. I get followed by everyone but oviously Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku use their quirk and are faster than me. We all jump in and spalsh each other. Everyone is laughing. I really love this friendgroup. They make me feel wanted and happy. How could I doubt being here? Suddenly a huge wave hits my face and I fall into the water. I swim up from under the water and I see Denki and Bakugou laughing their ass off. "You guys are so funny aren't you" I say with dripping wet hair and a annoyed look. I quickly smirk and splash them both. They both look like wet poodles. I burst out laughing.
The rest of the day was pretty good. I enjoyed every second I had before school tomorrow. Summer flew by so quickly. I get dropped off at home from Jirou and I walk inside of my warm apartment. I hop into the shower and after I wash my hair and body, dry myself and do my skincare I walk to the kitchen where I still have noodles from yesterday waiting for me. I decided to go to bed early since tomorrow is a long day and I dont want to be tired. But as I lay in my bed staring at the wall with pillows surrounding me I can't stop thinking about Bakugou and how he has been so kind to me lately. Especially today those words are constantly playing on loop. He really made me feel happy. I've never seen Bakugou that way before. To me he was always very confident but scary. I never dared to get near him. But the way he has been lately I feel safe.. I feel accepted and appreciated. I know he has anger and trust issues but now I know that he has a kind heart. After those thoughts swirl in my head I slowly fall asleep.


I get home from that crazy day and warm up some pizza while doing some chores. I pack my bag and get ready for tomorrow. I can't believe summer is over now. I really enjoyed this summer not gonna lie. My pepperoni pizza is done and I take it out of the oven. I sit on my couch while watching AoT. What many don't know is even though I am a frickin maniac I like to relax a lot after a long day. After finishing 3 episodes and my pizza I change, wash my face and get into my bed. As I'm scrolling through my instergram I keep thinking of what Round Face said to me earlier. For me it is really hard to give others advice when they're sad but what I never understand is why people are insecure. I am a very confindet person and seing her, a strong young hero, like that really hurt. I keep thinking of how she looked like in that bikini. It fit her so perfectly- WHAT AM I THINKING?! I'm turning out like Mineta and it's weird enough- oh right. He exists. That douche bag can't keep his dick in his pants and has to sexualise girls like that. Whatever. If I catch him staring at Round Face- he won't have a dick nor a face anymore. I keep thinking and thinking but one question is still in my mind: What am I feeling?

The next day the UA students pack their bags and move into the dorms before the first lesson of the day. They only have 3 hours of class so they can enjoy the rest of the day. Some are driving in their cars, some in their motorcycles and a few come by bus. After putting their needed stuff in their dormrooms everyone heads to the main classroom and meets with their homeroom teachers.


After I park my motorcycle at the dorms and finish putting my room streight I walk into the class 2A and see many have already taken their seets and some are talking loudly. I am never a morning person. I hate it when people are so loud and annoying. I sit down in the back row on the left where I can have my peace and I put some ear buds in. I still can here everyone telling about their vacation or what they did this summer or idiotic Mineta about the ladies he slept with. He honestly shouldn't brag about it. It's fucking disgusting and he also talks like a 12 year old. I lay back and just concentrate on my music when I see someone sit infront of me. It's Uraraka! I am kind of glad it's her. She's never loud and annoying so all good. I also get to know her a bit better since my question isn't fully answered yet. Class starts and Mr. Aizawa Sensei seems pretty tired. He explains the new policies, rules, gives us our schedule and tells us what subjects we have and what we need to buy. All the typical school stuff. I hear Uraraka talking with Deku and Half n Half about going to McDonald's after this. I tipp her shoulder and ask "Uhh Round Face dont get a wrong idea but c-can I come too?" If I want to find out what I'm feeling I have to hang out more... Even if it means hanging around annoying people. But since people know me as a angry person I don't think I'll have to hide my anger. She looks surprised but smiles and says "Sure, Izuku and Todoroki said it's alright and they are also willing to pay.""Oh uh- thanks I guess." She's so nice and warm I don't understand it very much.
3 hours pass and I want to get on my motorcycle when I realise Uraraka is walking with them." Hey Shortie, d-do you need a ride?" I ask. She shouldn't be walking with that Half n Half bastard and Deku and I also want to see her reaction when I drive. "But Bakugou, I don't have a-" "Helmet? I have a second pair dumbass, like if I would ask you to hop on when I don't have a second one" She seems embarrassed. I kind of love it when people are embarrassed. They look weak. "A-alright but please don't drive to fast" "Well hold on tight" She blushes a little. Cute- OKAY NOPE NOT THINKING THAT NO WAY THIS IS WAY WRONG. She grabs onto my chest and lays her head on my back while squeezing tightly. I smirk and drive off while seing Deku and Half n Half hold hands. They'll be fine without her and especially without me. I go with the three of them to McDonald's. It was nice hanging out with Uraraka. She's so accepting and happy all the time. I could get used to it. I end the day and I walk home. Suddenly someone yells for help. I look around and see...

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