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In the rearview mirror I saw smoke arising from the walls and buildings. Reminded me of what people said day one was like. Although I was four at the time day one hit me, and don't remember a lot from that age.

The little girl in the backseat was still quietly crying. The old man in the driver seat, he had a sad and uncertain look on his face.

The car zoomed down the road. I felt the mark that the rope left around my neck.

Maria, was in the car too. In the back seat with the little girl.

"So, what's your name?" I looked to the old timer.

"Dover." He said.

"And you?" I looked to the little girl.

She looked up, her eyes still filled with tears. "I'm not telling you, you killed my dad."

I sighed. "Your dad was infected, I saved you."

She just stared before saying. "There has to be a cure, right?"

"There is no cure. Its different out here then it was in there. Out here everyone dies sooner then they should, you just gotta survive as long as you can."

She looked down. "I heard things about the outside, that the monsters are out here."

"We call them walkers." I said.

Dover stopped the car at an old diner. Pulling into the parking lot, he stepped out.

I stepped out too. I heard Maria exit the vehicle too. I pulled the Beretta from my pocket, as Maria handed the pipe she had to Dover. She pulled the crowbar out of the car.

Now we slowly approached the diner. Dover walked to the door, and slowly opened it. At first glance, the place was a bit ransacked. Bottles lay on the floor, and few old corpses.

I walked over to one of the corpses, kneeling and patting it down. There was a M9 on the floor, not far from the corpse.


I picked it up, and checked the clip. 3 bullets, I checked the body to, finding 4 spare bullets and an empty magazine.

"Hey I found something!" Dover said aloud. He held up a machete.

"It was near this body!"

I walked over, examining the body. It had a trench coat on, with messy black hair and a bullet in its head. I walked over to the third body, this one had a rifle on its back.

Looking at it closer, it had a stab wound in its eye.

"Something happened here." I said.

"A shootout or something."

I pushed through the back door into a fenced off area.

There stood a dozen walkers.

"Woah!" I pulled the door closed, as soon as they started towards me.

"I could use some help here!" I said.

Maria and Dover came to me, while the little girl stared curiously.

"Walkers, a bunch of em."

Dover nodded and held his pipe like a bat, and Maria pulled the Smith and Wesson from her pocket.

I opened the door, letting the walkers file inside. As soon as the first one entered, I pressed the Beretta to it's head and fired off. Dover hit ones neck with the pipe, then reeling it upwards he smashed its skull in. Maria fired a round into one of the walkers chest, then she pushed the revolver barrel under its chin and fired. I pulled the door open, and pushed it, hitting a walker down. I aimed down at it, firing twice into it's head. I then took two more shots, hitting one in the shoulder and another in the head.

Maria took a step back, as she fired a round into a walkers forehead. She pulled the crowbar, smashing the curve into a walkers eye.

Dover kicked one, it fell back into the crowd making them tumble backwards.

I grabbed a broken bottle off the floor, shoving it in a walkers eye.

Then I fired off the rest of the Beretta clip, felling the last four walkers.

I sighed, out of breath. Guess it was good that I wasn't out here alone, I couldn't take out that many with a pistol. Shame I lost the M16 at Dubing or all these walkers would've been down with one clip. Speaking of Dubing, I wonder who lived through that. The news will spread soon that Dubing has fallen.

We walked out the back, where several walker and human corpses lay. Then I heard it, a motorcycle. It stopped out on the road. Dover must of heard it too, as he started ushering the little girl behind the counter. I could really use a drink right now, but it was not the time. I pulled the Beretta from my pocket. As u stared out the window I saw it was a man and a woman.

"Dover get that corpses rifle."

I pointed to the corpse with a rifle strapped on it.

He picked it up, pulling the bolt back. As we now left the building.

I aimed my gun at the people.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You, your that kid that was supposed to be hung!" The man said.

I nearly blew his eye out when he said that.

"What about it?"

"You deserve to be hung!" He started approaching me.

I pistol whipped him on his cheek. Then pistol whipping his knee. This caused him to fall over. I pointed the pistol down at him. Blowing a hole in the back of his head.

The lady started backing up, then I pointed the gun at her chest. Firing a round it whizzed by her.

"Go on, run." I said.

She did what her adrenaline told her to do and bolted. Flicking the safety on, I shoved the Beretta in my pocket.

I walked back in.

"We gotta go, people are showing up."

Maria nodded, as the group walked out of the building.

All 4 of them, getting in the car and driving off. The car zoomed down the road, swerving at turns. Hitting a walker every so often. Then the car collided with a shipping truck.

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