Taken And Locked

332 24 21

(Mexico's POV)

"Is he out, Sir?"

I breathed in and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Ame lay almost lifeless beneath my feet.

One of the demons came up next to me and asked the question. "Er," I tapped my foot against Ame's head and answered back when he didn't move, "mhm. Grab the other one and load them into the van."

I turned to face the demons before I headed off to the car. "And when I said I needed them alive, I meant it." Most of them looked down at their guns, embarrassed.

Roughly, my hands slid under Ame's chest and I hauled him over my back. I huffed, "you're fucking heavy..."

I glared at the odd red color of everything and pushed my way towards the double doors leading out. I caught sight of Scotland leaning on the side of the open doors and gave him a small wave.

He scoffed and pulled a flooded up piece of paper from his pockets once I'd gotten beside him. "You're not too bothered I'm taking your one night stand?" I asked with a smug smirk.

His eyes darted over to Ame and than me with a indespihasble look. "Be careful, pip squeak, I wouldn't bite the hand that feeds you."

I blinked at him, half annoyed half intrigued. Ame groaned on my back. "Yeah..." I said to Scotland and hurried outside. Ame was starting to wake up, maybe that's what made me rush out the building, either that or Scotland's cryptic words.

Ame was easy to throw into the back of the van. I saw him squirm a little before one of the demons threw the other blue country next to him. I was somewhat interested in the new country and how Ame was able to keep the country on his side.

"Close the doors," I commanded the demon and he slammed the back doors. They clicked together, alerting us that they were locked.

There was little noise of movement inside the van as I ordered the demons to round up. Some came on bikes, others by van. I drove the van.

I opened the car door quickly and scanned the inside. One demon sat in the passenger seat beside me; two others were in the back beside the wall separating the trunk. They both had handguns, fully equipped in case of any escape attempts.

I'd sat down uncomfortably in the driver seat and traced my fingers along the wheel, turning the key.
"Oh-oh, I got a good one! What do you give to a sick lemon?"


"Lemon aid!"

I was tempted to knock Ame out again with how irritating he was being.

The country in the cell next to him, Sweden I'd found out, was somberly sitting in the corner. Something made me feel for the country. America, the bastard, must've manipulated him.

America slanted against the bars of the cell with a bored face. "When're you gonna let us out of here?"

I stared down at my phone as it shined up in my face. "Shut it." I brought the phone up to my ear and waited while the beeping rang in my ear.

The other side picked up and I spoke. "Boss-"

But I was interrupted. "Since you're calling me, I suppose you have him?"

I felt my teeth hold onto my lip nervously at the obvious disappointment lining his voice. Ame's stare felt hot on my back. "Yes-! He's here."


The line rang dead.

"Daddy issues?" Ame's words dripped with vulgar superiority.

Instintively, I spun around and glared at Ame. My blood boiled with an intense anger. "You're one to talk!"

Ame shrugged with a smile. I slammed my hands down into the wooden table infront of me. What an asshole.

Just as I was about to throw fists, I heard Sweden speak up from his dark cell. "Can you two be quieter and stop complaining?" Both Ame and I fell silent at Sweden's pacifist comment.

I knew I had the upper hand but I myself wanted to stop arguing. Especially when Ame kept giving me that look. That look of knowing. He didn't know what was going to happen to him, but it felt like he did.

I sighed before staring down at my phone again, hoping for a distraction. Instead, my eyes started to flicker and I went out like a light.
"Ayo! Shorty...WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

My head shot up from the table with sweat streaming from my head. I turned to the yelling of Ame and cursed at him under my breath. "What!?"

He pointed towards the entrance door of the cellar where there was a loud knocking on the door. "Oh," I exclaimed, moving over to open it.

A tall figure towered above me, sending a dark shadow over my whole body. He wore a dark brown cloak and a ushanka to match it.

"Sorry, USSR, fell asleep." I said awkwardly, keeping the door open and moving out of the way.

He didn't say or look at me and simply walked inside. His quick and heavy movement made me flinch, forcing the door to slam shut.

He ignored it and he paused to wait for me. I tried to regain my confidence as I walked with him over to the cells.

Ame's blue eyes widened. I saw an interest penetrate his face. His smile had faded, now replaced with a fascinated, yet suspicious frown.

USSR scanned the cocky country with crossed arms. His peculiar face sent shivers down my back as his arm shoved down his pocket to pull a pack of cigarettes out. The box shined as it was made of a metallic orange color.

USSR pulled a cigarette out and extended the cancer stick towards Ame. The plain frown on his face curved up into a slight grin as he watched Ame. "Wanna smoke?"

Something will be coming out soon, so watch out for that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also the chapters will start to have more information from here on out! Vote!
POVs -





(I DO NOT own any of the art used in this story unless specified!)

Have a good day/night! ❤

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