Hotel Room

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(Sweden's POV)

America pulled me with quick feet towards the double doors in front of the building. They were glass so I could easily see in. It looked, like a hotel?

Everytime I wanted to ask a question, I remembered America's cold eyes from before. He'd been decently normal up until that look on the bike. I didn't know what it was but something in his eyes made my skin crawl.

America released his hand from mine and pushed open one of the doors. The weak sound of a bell rang off and America walked in. He held the door open for me with a smile.

I hesitated but reluctantly walked inside.

The place was large and fancy. There were two desks lined on the left side and a big lobby on the right. A large stairway and an elevator were in the middle of the two areas. Red was an abundant color used, as it lined the stairs, carpet, tables, and window curtains.

America had a childlike look and squirmed around in place like he couldn't wait to run around the whole place.

He grabbed me once again, gentler this time, and took me towards the desks.

In front of one was a blue country with a white 'X' across his face. He was sitting at a chair, looking down at a peculiar book with torn pages. Once America and I had gotten to the desk, he glanced up at us with an irritated expression.

America gave him a thin smile. "Scotland! Buddy, pal."

"Don't call me that." The country clenched his teeth and scowled at America. Scotland? Another weird name... America seemed unbothered as he answered back. "Of course, now, you owe me a favor, hm?"

Scotland rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pair of keys and tossed them over at America. "Do what you will," Scotland mumbled and continued back to his book.

That was a close call.

"Come on," America turned to me and called. I was surprised he hadn't grabbed me again. I could tell he had a habit of doing that.

"Yeah, coming." I said and followed behind him.

We came up to the elevator and America pushed the button. It came down fast and the doors opened. By the looks of it, it could probably hold only 3 people. Great, way to make things awkward.

"Hope you're not claustrophobic," America joked and went into the elevator. I managed to fit beside him with just our shoulders touching.

The doors closed, America hit a button, and we waited patiently.

America scrunched up his face in disgust. "Ack, you smell like sweat!"

I glared at him. "Says you! You reek of alcohol and mildew." America chuckled at that. "Really? Mildew?"

The doors extended open and I was the first out. He was right though. I did smell pretty bad. America walked past me in the nicely decorated hallway to a wooden door.

I walked towards him while he unlocked the door and looked up at the number beside the door. "666, really?"

"Hey, I'm not the one who chose this room," America laughed as he opened the door. "Why do I have a feeling you did..."

Despite the odd number to the room, it had a nice vibe. There was a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. All decorated with red, of course.

"Ooh! I wonder if they have Bloody Mary's here." America exclaimed and ran to check the fridge. I crossed my arms. "I doubt-"

"Aha!" America lifted a glass of Bloody Mary into the air with a grin.

What the.

I was a little worried. If this guy was crazy when he wasn't drinking, I'd hate to see when he was. "Maybe you shouldn't...?"

I frowned at America as he chugged the whole drink down his throat. He slammed the glass onto the counter. I almost jumped back. His head whipped over towards me. "Swede! Swede, you should try some!"

"Um, you drank it all?" I said, a little nervous.

America stared down into the empty glass and shrugged. "Well, fuck, I guess you're right."

The room was silent before America yawned and hurried into the bedroom. I sighed and followed him. I was too tired to think too much of his behaviour. A nice, comfy bed sounded good right about now.

America plopped onto one of the beds. He didn't say anything after that so I assumed he was asleep.

Slowly, I sat onto the other bed next to his. I could hear the wind blowing against the windows and America's soft breathing. My eyes felt dreary, yet, I couldn't bring myself to close them.

My eyes instead traced over to America. I bit my lip. What have I gotten myself into?

Hope you guys liked this chapter
POVs -





(I DO NOT own any of the art used in this story unless specified!)

Have a good day/night! ❤

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