Chapter 4

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Everything was darkness for her when she heard muttered voices in the background.

Corporal: [ muttered ] what was that back there?

Short fuse: [ muttered] I don't know. Whatever it is, it is surprise.

Dave: [ muttered] hold up, let's think about this.

Short fuse: [ muttered] think? Think! Eva got hurt and classified nearly gotten is face blasted.

Classified: [ muttered] it's not her fault, short fuse. She would never hurt anyone or a fly. You know that.

Dave: everyone, calm down.

They then heard a sound of moaning from hope as she slowly sat ms up when waking up on a med bed with a terrible headache.

Hope: [ pain ] ah, my head.

North wind and Penguins: Hope!

The penguins jumped up on the med bed and hugged Hope.

Skipper: are you okay?

Kowalski: what happened?

Private: are you hurt?

Hope: guys, I'm fine. what happened?

Eva: [ confuse] you don't remember?

Hope: no. All I remember was that I was in a kitchen, drinking a glass a water and was about to leave when there this pain hurting my head and I was trying to find the medicine, when...

She paused for a moment, classified kneels down to her level.

Classified: [ worry ] Hope. What is it?

Hope: everything started to go blurry as I notice my veins were showing and everything went into darkness. It's like something just prisoned me for awhile before I managed to escape.

Skipper: [ worry ] hope, do you know what's happening and what causes you to form

Short fuse: a killer creature.

The others glared at short fuse.

Kowalski: do you think the form has something to do with your 2nd powers.

Skipper and private quickly covers Kowalski mouth before he could say any more. But it was too late. Classified and his team are now interested in hopes 2nd power.

Classified: wait...[ to the penguins] what 2nd powers?

Skipper and private: uhhhhh!

Dave: [ softly] I think you guys should discuss this in a quiet place while I look after Hope, alright.

The others went to the others room while classified looks at Hope with worry. When they closes the door, their eyes went on the penguins.

Short fuse: well.

Private: okay, 9 years ago, when Hope was a few months old, we discover Hope has a 2nd power that involves controlling energy in her. Flouting. All sorts of thing. But tonight...that was new to us.

Eva: so wait, you had no idea about that form, but you know about other abilities from this other power and you didn't tell us. [ angry ] How could you?!

Kowalski: Eva, listen, let us explain why and it will all make sense. [ Eva: nods. ] as you all know that hope is different, because hope is a shapeshifter and was created by Dave. But, with her 2nd ability, it's much stronger, and uncontrollable which can cause danger to herself and everyone in this building...

Private: that's why we didn't say, we don't want anyone to get hurt including you guys. And Hope has been controlling it as long we could remember. And now it's getting stronger, I don't know if she could control it again.

Never lose hope. ( sequel to Penguins of Madagascar. oc ) Where stories live. Discover now