Ch. 5: Offense or Defense

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(Takes place in Episode 5.)

Chaos. That was all Jaune could say to describe whatever it was that was going on with him, he didn't know how and he didn't know why but for some reason he was as tall as a holon and he was squaring off against the giant, four armed mech the team had dealt with a while ago. They were in a ruined city with destroyed buildings all around them and a sky of storm clouds above. No one else was around and no else could help Jaune as he fought the mech in his body suit.

"AAH!" he screamed as he was thrown back, colliding with a building as he groaned from the impact.

Looking up, Jaune gasped and ducked as the mech tried to slash his head off before he tackled it to the ground. He hit it two times in the face, before it grabbed his arms with it's upper set and grabbed Jaune's neck with the lower set. It began to tighten it's grip and choke him as it flipped them over and was now on top of Jaune.

"GR!" he let out through grit teeth as the mech glared down at him with it's red eye. "Guh! Uf! Meh!"

Using his legs, Jaune stomped against the torso of the mech and tried to force it to let him go but it was too strong, it didn't even register his stomps as it continued to choke him.

'Damn it! Think! I gotta get this thing off me before I bite it!' Jaune thought as he threw a kick up to the mech's chin, stunning it enough to release his arms and neck.

Jaune rolled out from under the mech and hopped back to his feet with his arms at the ready. The mech and Jaune charged at each other with the latter dodging two swings before punching the mech in the chest and face before ducking and sweeping it's legs. The mech used it's two right arms to stop the fall and launch a double fist uppercut that Jaune blocked with his right arm but was sent flying into another building. Jaune was imbedded in the structure as the mech charge at him, forcing him more into the building at it grabbed his shoulder and reached for his head, forcing him to grab the upper arms to hold it back.

"Guh! ER!" he grunted against the mech before hearing something...familiar and heartbreaking.

"Jaune?" a voice said, a female voice, as Jaune froze a bit and turned his head to the source.

It was...his mother and father, just as he remembered them on the day everything had changed for him. The day New York fell to the Union and they stayed behind so he and his sisters could get to safety. They stood on a downed building and stared at him as he struggled against the Union mech.

"M-Mom?! Dad?!" he let out as he refocused on the mech trying to kill him. "Wh-What are you doing there? Get out of here! Run!"

His parents didn't hear him as they continued to watch the battle, showing the same somber smiles to him as the last time he saw them as something rose from behind them. It was an identical Union mech with it's red eye shining down at them as it raised it's right hands to crush them.

"No! No! NO!" Jaune shouted as he reached out to them but that left him open for the mech he was facing to grab his face by the mouth and turn him back to it, holding his arms against the building as it drew it's free upper, left hand back.

It became a knife hand and targeted Jaune's face as he struggling against it, turning his eyes to his parents as the twin mech moved it's hand to crush him at the same time original thrust it's knife hand to his face.

'NOOOOOOO!' he thought before his vision went dark!

"AH!" Jaune let out in a short burst, leaning up in a huff and looking around.

"Jaune?" a voice said as he looked to it and was meet with the sight of Cammie awake in her bunch with a holo-screen hovering above her. "You alright?"

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