Ch. 2: The Select Few

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Reminders, warnings, and notices:

1. If you have not seen the series, gen:LOCK, please watch it before reading this.

2. This will may not be following all of the original scenes from the show but it will include some original ones.

3. This chapter will take place in episode 2.

It was a bright and shinning day as Jaune waited for the Polity aircraft to take him to whatever base he would be stationed at for this new unit, the gen:LOCK unit. It honestly made him a little nervous, but when doing something as big as this in life, like going to school for the first time or heading to a college, it's natural to have jitters about something life changing.

'I wonder if there will be anyone my age.' Jaune thought as he continued to wait and adjusted the duffel bag on his shoulder, wearing a short sleeve zip up hoodie, blue jeans, and his black shoes.

Though it was similar to what he wore years ago, Jaune made it a case to stick to a signature look and well, hoodies were his look.

'Probably not, but it's good to have hope.' he thought as he heard the sound of engines rumblings in the air.

Jaune lifted his head up to see a Polity aircraft descending down near his location, kicking up wind and dirt as it landed before him. After waiting for the engines to cool down enough, Jaune approached the aircraft with gusto and waited patiently as it's hanger door descended.

"Here I go, no turning back." Jaune mumbled to himself as the hanger door hit the ground, kicking up a small bit of dirt before he walked inside.

As he fully got on the transport, Jaune was meet with the faces of 3 different people on board. It wasn't hard to assume they were chose for this program like him but it still made him nervous, wondering what kind of experiences and lives they went through before ending up here. With a row of red sets on both sides, Jaune took a seat on the left next to one of the people, a girl who looked about his age wearing a long-sleeved hooded top in shades of green, black and white, accented by pink details and black pants. She had green eyes and long blonde hair that was paler than his own. On her shoulder was a small robotic animal, probably something she built or got from somewhere.

"Uh, hi. Jaune Arc." he said nervously as he sat his bag on the floor in front of him and held out his hand to the girl, who smiled brightly at him and shook it kindly.

"Cammie MacCloud, nice to meet ya!" she said in a cheery Scottish accent, her robotic pet eyeing him with curiosity.

After breaking the ice with Cammie and feeling the Polity aircraft beginning to take off, Jaune turned his attention towards the other two across from them. Not saying anything to them until he got a good look at them. The first one that caught his eyes was a tall female with pale green eyes, black hair that is dyed purple and styled in dreadlocks with a purple facial tattoo in a spiral design on the left side of their face. Her clothes gave off a mysterious feeling in the form of a black trench coat, combat boots, an amethyst crop top, and black gloves, all accented with purple. The last one was a tall man, looked Japanese, with broad-shoulderes and muscles, who has almost shoulder-length black hair tied up with a band. The clothes he wore were a leather kutte and various logos and designs on it, with red detailing on the back, lower chest and obliques. He wears black finger-less gloves, a large black belt, charcoal cargo pants and a black t-shirt. He also had a pair of black earring or something in his ears while holding a guitar case, showing he was a musician.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." Jaune said as he waved at them, hoping to get along with his future squad.

"I suppose." the woman said in a Russian accent, giving a lazy wave was she crossed her arms.

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