Ch. 6: Two of a Kind

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(Takes place in Episode 6)

Things in the carrier plane had been tense the whole ride as news about the Union Mech spread due to Miranda informing Leon and Jodie. They didn't seem to show that much of a reaction as gen:LOCK One hadn't been told yet, not until Chase, Yasamin, or Jaune could get proper answers.

"Jaune?" Jaune?" Cammie said as Jaune was pulled out of his thoughts. "Yah been staring off into space since we took off, are you alright?"

Turning to her, Jaune saw that everyone was looking at him with concern as they put on their personal attire changes to their suits.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good. Just doing a little thinking, that second run in with that mech was unexpected." Jaune admitted as he put his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Yes, we were all taken by surprise but you handled yourself well against it. Especially with that new stance of yours." Yaz said to him with a nod.

"Yeah, I saw your moves but they didn't look like MMA moves. They looked like one of those coppers with the see through shields." Cammie said to him.

"Oh yeah! I didn't tell you guys, that was something I've been doing over the Ether before morning training. It's called "Taiho-Jutsu" and yeah, police do use it." Jaune said as showed his stance a bit. "I've been going over some lessons online and practicing them before training a bit."

"The Art of Arrest? When did you start learning that?/逮捕の芸術?それを学び始めたのはいつですか?" Kazu asked with a raised brow.

"A bit after our first encounter with that mech, I wanted to be a bit stronger for if we faced that thing again." Jaune said as he got out of his stance. "I just didn't think it would be so soon."

"None of us could have expected it, we'll have to discuss it more with Dr. Weller when we return. Perhaps he can help us blame for the next unexpected encounter." Yaz said to the group.

"Yeah, he could." Jaune said while remembering how similar it sounded to Chase.

Was it mimicking his voice or was it something else? What was its backstory and how could the Union develop something that could match the holons in such a short time? These questions plagued Jaune's mind and just from the looks he saw from Yaz and Chase, he could guess that they were thinking the same thing or something similar as the ride back to the Anvil was made silent.

When the plane arrived back at the Anvil, everyone exited the plane as Chase's chamber was being pushed back to the gen:LOCK lab by Caliban. While the team was heading off to the barracks, Chase and Yaz were talking away from the group.

"All this time, what if he's been lying to us about this thing?" Chase asked Yaz as he looked to her.

"We don't know if that's true. Dr. Weller has done nothing but help us since gen:LOCK began. We shouldn't make any accusations until we know the full story." Yaz said as she trusted the doctor as much as she trusted Chase.

Chase shut his eyes to think for a moment before he opened them and made his decision.

"Able, can you know where Dr. Weller is?" he asked the program through the network.

"Certainly. Dr. Weller is currently located on the East Observation Deck." Able answer Chase.

With the location confirmed, Chase mixed away to find the doctor for answers. Meanwhile with the rest of the team, they were walking done the airfield before catching sight of the scientists they saved from the Union. They were boarding a transport with new clothes, Henry waved to Cammie and she waved back before he entered the plane.

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