Chapter One

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I had no idea how Mason and I ended up at the park, but we were sitting on the swings laughing at each other. We'd been and got ice creams, then walked around for what seemed like hours. Talking about school, college choices and his little sisters school play. The last 11 months had been amazing. Mason was so cute. The way he flicked his chestnut hair out of eyes every so often, the fact he went to watch his little sister dance every second weekend and that he prefers coming to my house because his is always messy. He is so independent, he doesn't need anyone to help him. If he wants something he will get it himself and he lives alone. There are so many things I love about him, even if my friends think he's a total loser and a jer-
My thoughts were interrupted by a beeping of a car horn. I turned around to see who it was. As soon I saw the car I smiled, it was Luke. My mum must of sent him to collect me for dinner or something. I turned to my boyfriend, who was sitting on the swing in deep thought.
"Mason, I think I need to go home. But I'll text you later." I stood up off my swing. "Oh and thanks for today." I now stood in front of him. He didn't look as if he has heard a word I'd said. Mason suddenly blinked, noticing I was stood in front of him.
"Sorry, what were you saying? I was just thinking about something." He said looking up at me.
"I was just saying that I have to go home and thanks for today." I snapped. I started to walk towards the car, away from Mason. He'd just completely ignored me and it wasn't the first time.
I felt his arms wrap around my waist, then a voice spoke softly into my ear.
"I'm sorry babe, I've just got a lot of things on my mind at the moment. I don't mean to ignore you." He then spun me round to face him. Mason stood there pouting at me. I finally cracked a smile at my boyfriend. Pulling me in for a hug, he whispered, "I love you babe."
"I love you too," I whispered back.
Staring into my eyes, he inched his face closer to mine. Our lips were just about to touch when I heard a shout.
"Alaska hurry up, your mum is waiting!" Luke stood outside his car, frowning at Mason and I. Telling by the look on his face he didn't seem too pleased. I don't know what has been up with him lately.
I walked towards my best friend and got into the car. I waved a goodbye out the window to Mason. But it was wasted as he seemed in deep thought about something- again. I sighed as Luke slid into the drivers seat. There was still a look of annoyance on his face, but once he saw that I was looking sad his face softened.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly, his piercing blue eyes searching for an answer in my pale blue ones. Luke and I have been best friends practically since birth, but he was 4 days older than me. When my mum moved in next door to the Hemmings, Liz and my mum became best friends. Especially since they were both pregnant. I have spent nearly every day with Luke since I was brought home from the hospital. We have so many great memories. Learning to ride a bike together, learning to swim, first day of school, he even took me to my first concert. (Green Day if you're wondering!) We have always told each other everything, even our deepest and most darkest secrets.
But despite all this, I just couldn't bring myself to tell Luke about how Mason has been distant lately. I've noticed that Luke doesn't seem to really like him and I don't want to give him another reason to hate him.
So I just smiled and replied, "nothing, I'm just a bit tired out that's all."
But Luke wasn't stupid, he knew that I wasn't just tired.
"I know that guy has done something Alaska. There is no reason for you to lie to me." Luke said with a sigh. He looked out the window to where Mason had been sitting only minutes ago.
"I don't get why you even like that guy."
I groaned. Not this again! I'm forever getting this chat off of my friends, but they don't get to see the side of Mason that I see.
"Luke can we please not do this again."
He starts the car, taking a deep breathe and muttering,

The car ride home is quiet other than the quiet 'The 1975' album playing quietly and the occasional sing along from Luke. He pulled up on our street and got out the car. As I stepped out into the pavement, he pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his middle as he rested his chin on the top of my head.
"I'm sorry for earlier, you know that I don't like him. I just think you could do so much better than him."
I thought it was sweet that he was apologising, this was the Lukey that I was best friends with. I smirked and muttered,
"Like who?"
"Well me obviously." I could hear him smiling as he said this.
"And why is that?" I asked back.
"You're friends always tell you he has no future, unless he makes it in sports...which is unlikely."
I laughed at his comment, knowing he was half joking.
"What makes you any better?"
"Your friends like me," I looked up at him at this point. Looking me in the eyes, with a smirk on his lips he replies,
"I'm just saying."

//AUTHORS NOTE: Please comment what you think of this chapter and if there is anything you want me to include in the next chapter :) thank you!\\

Just Saying//A Luke Hemmings FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now