Sex (Six In Latin!!)

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A/N: I just need to clarify that sex is six in Latin and this story does not in anway sexualise Tubbo or any other mcyts! I don't want people coming at me when it's a misunderstanding! Anyway in with the story...

Lily's POV
"Dm me your office number!" Wilbur spoke to me.

"I mean I can just say it?" I waited for a response but didn't get one so i decided to just text Wilbur like he said.

I'm in 44 by the way

I placed my phone down and decided to listen in to what Tubbo and Tommy where saying.

"So Berry tell us a bit about yourself whilst Wilbur ain't her to be angry at us" Tommy spoke up

"Erh what do you want to know?"

"Wilbur mentioned something about you editing a video? What video were you going to edit?" Tubbo spoke. I now realised that Wilbur obviously said something about me to them.

"Erh my dad has a YouTube channel, I was going to edit a video we filmed today but then I met you guys, I do still need to edit it though" Should I tell the guys the channel? I mean they already know where I live, or I assume so as this is where Wilbur lives.

"If you don't mind me asking what is his channel?" Tommy spoke up, he didnt seem as loud as Wilbur made him out to be but maybe he is just being nice.

"It is 'Brighton Farm' I'm only telling you this as I am in no way linked to the channel, I just edit and film but nobody knows haha" I said laughing.

Knock knock

"Ohhhh mind if we sub to it?" Tubbo asked

"Of course not I think Wilbur is here, I don't know how to mute. Meh oh well" I stood up and walked over to the door, the office room wasn't big but I still had to walk to the door.

"Heyyyy Berry!" Wilbur spoke as I opened the door "They weren't too much trouble were they?"

"Nah they only really asked about my father's YouTube"

"Ohhh what you tell em? I still don't know much about it"

"I think they can hear us by the way I don't know how to mute or anything haha, but yeah I told then the name" I had a chill conversation with Wilbur as he came in.

"So you want me to set it up for you?" Wilbur asked nicely

"Yeah please, I have no idea what I am doing" I laughed.

He walked over to the computer and set it up the mic. I just stood there awkwardly when I hear a loud scream coming from my earphones.

"Tommy if you can hear me shut up man your too loud" Wilbur spoke up whilst messing around with the back of my computer.

I walked over and sat in the seat to put the earphones on whilst Wilbur set up the mic

"BUT TUBBO JUST FUCKING KILLED ME WILBUR IT'S NOT FAIR!" Tommy shouted into the mic. "SORRY MUM I JUST GOT MURDERED" I laughed at how British he sounded

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