
601 22 15

Tw: Sexual assault/mentions of it

Lily's POV
"Okay so to share screens there should be a button about going live? It just means sharing your screen in discord. No where else haha. Let me know if you have any troubles" Tubbo spoke softly to me

"Hmm okay, I think I've got it." I pressed a button as to which I assumed was right. I heard a slight ding in the call then saw there was an option to watch my 'stream' " Did I do it??"

"Yeah you did! Well done! You should be able to just switch over to your editing software and show it that way?"

"thank you! Okay. Hmm" I responded whilst switching over to the software I was using. "I think it's all working?"

"Yes it is, I can see it!" He responded with excitement in his voice

"Okay you ready for me to play it?"


I adjusted the view a little bit so the preview was larger and then clicked play. I assumed he could hear it as he mainly stayed silent whilst it was playing. It was about 7 minutes long so far but I was thinking of adding extra scenes to make the video longer and more enjoyable. After the video had ended tubbo spoke up.

"That was amazing! Are you thinking of adding in other edits?"

"Yeah I am, I think one I mainly want to do is like a fight scene introduction for each of the ducks if that makes sense haha"

"Oooo I think I know what you mean, like where it outlines the duck in bright colours with a basic fact file?"

"Yeah exactly that!!" I was shocked that he knew what I meant from the little I explained it. I had the feeling me and Tubbo were gonna be good friends.

It had been an hour since Wilbur and Tommy had left the call and I was getting thirsty and hungry.

"Hey tubbo? I'm gonna go get a drink and go to the toilet etc"

"Okay! Actually a drink seems like a good Idea ill be back soon too"
We both then went on mute.

I decided to double check the time on my phone before I left my office room
A lot of the office will be clearing in an hour or two so it was quite busy right now. Luckily it was just after lunch so most of the other people in the office had begun working again.

I wandered out of my office room and towards the kitchen which was towards the left of my room. My room was pretty central of the building so everything was always not too far from me. As I was reaching the kitchen I heard a voice talking, I wasn't too sure if there was multiple people or not but as I grew closer I recognised the voice. Rachel.

I walked into the main kitchen and a said hi to Rachel, she jumped at the sudden reaction but then relaxed when she realised it was only me.

"Heyy how are you doing lily?"

"I am doing great thanks! I've come to make a cup of tea haha"

"Ooh lovely would you like some of my biscuits to go with your drink?"

"If you don't mind, your baking is always amazing!"

"I'm sorry to break it to you but it is never my baking, it's my girlfriends haha"

"Oh really?? Please tell her that it is amazing!"

"Oh I definitely will! She loves hearing feedback. Anyway it's in my office right now, are you free to come with me?"

"Yeah of course!"

I followed her down the corridor to her office. It was a nice peaceful place and decorated the most she could within the rules of the office. We weren't allowed to paint the walls, or hang up anything like shelves etc.

The reason she owned the office room was because she has a small business, that sells various things like stickers, bracelets and other small items. She was probably one of the best people in the office, she lit up whatever room she was in.

We reached the office and she handed me a paper plate filled with various sweet treats like biscuits and cakes.

"Here, I wasn't going to eat them all anyway, enjoy! I'll see you around"

I said my goodbyes and wandered back to the kitchen to make my cup of tea. Before heading back to my office, I also wanted to go to the bathroom which was to the right of my room.

I quickly placed my tea and the plate I was given down on my desk and headed for the bathroom.

They were located in the corner of the office building, so they could be accessed by majority of the people.

On my way to the bathroom I recited the code in my head 96320. This was the code for the women's bathroom. The mens had a different one and so did the disabled. I mean it's Brighton after all so that's why there is codes.

TW starts here...

There was a man standing outside the bathrooms which made me slightly scared but I brushed it off. I started typing in the code. But was cut off by a voice in the middle of it

"Hey baby, why don't we go into the toilet together?" I turned my head towards the man that was stood there and he was looking directly at me. Was he talking to me?  I stayed silent and finished writing the code. I opened the door which creaked as I did and wandered into the bathroom into one of the stall.

"Hey babygirl, it's not nice to ignore people!" His voice echoed around the bathroom. How did he get in? Why is this happening to me? Maybe his girlfriend is in another stall.

I finished in the stall and quickly unlocked the door and headed to the sink. Whilst walking I noticed he was stood on the left against a wall, the exit on my right. I acted normal and calm the best I could.

Noticing movement out the corner of my eye I looked up at myself in the mirror ahead of me. He was walking to me.

"Baby, it's rude to ignore people" he was definitely talking to me.

"Are you talking to me? I am not your baby" I spoke back hiding my nerves. He looked like he was in between his 30s or 40s.

"You will be soon" He said with an evil smirk. I felt his hands on my waist and my body froze. Why me? I couldn't do anything. He pulled me away from the sink and towards the back wall. Then he started to touch me more in various areas. I was scared and upset. I tried my hardest to not give any reaction he wanted.

"See I knew you would enjoy it" His words stayed in my head. I didn't enjoy it. After saying this he took a moment to look at me.

I took this opportunity to run. I ran towards the door and to my office. From what I saw from looking behind me he wasn't following me. Which was good.

I had forgotten about the call with tubbo. He probably left and got bored. I was  in my office room now. I quickly checked the time.
3:35 pm

I hadn't been gone a really long time. So I even tell Tubbo about the interaction I just had? Maybe it's best not too.

I Keep De Bees //Tubbo//Where stories live. Discover now