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I don't know if this needs a trigger or not but Berry/lily is quite distressed in this chapter :((

Wilbur's POV

Berry had just left to go get water and the call went silent for a few moments until the child spoke.

"So Tubbo, did anything happen whilst we were gone?"

"What do you mean did anything happen? She edited and we just chatted"

"Oh nothing else? boring" Tommy scoffed.

"What were you expecting to happen?"Tubbo spoke back.

"Nothing, nothing" Tommy spoke quietly.

"Oh she made a twitter by the way! I don't know if she followed you guys or not but she followed me" Tubbo sounded excited with this so I pulled up twitter to see the notification

'BerrytheBee has followed you'

I followed her back and I'm assuming Tommy did to.

"Did she show you the edit Tubbo? How would you rate it?" I asked starting a conversation.

"Oh it was amazing! And the ducks were sooo cute!" He started getting excited but that's who tubbo is, a guy who loves animals.

"You love all animals I swear!" Tommy spoke out.

"Animals are kinda amazing I cannot-" I got cut off by the sound of someone knocking at the door. Maybe I was too loud during my stream?

"Sorry boys I gotta go get that" I muted my mic quickly using the hotkey I had set up then walked to the door quickly.

After opening the door I was greeted with a rather scared Berry so I immediately let her in.

"Are you okay?!" I quickly spoke out seeing how distressed she was, she was also breathing heavily so maybe she ran here but why? I could see that she was desperately trying to speak but was struggling to form words so out of instinct I pulled her into a hug in the hope it would calm her down. Luckily she hugged back and it took her a few minutes to regain her breath and process whatever just happened.

"Would you like to explain what happened? you don't have to if you arent comfortable!" I spoke softly, she pulled away from the hug and sat down in my chair, being the kind man I am I just sat on the stool which was still in my office.

"I'll start from the beginning I guess" She let out a sign and prepared herself to speak I just sat and nodded slightly meaning she could continue. "Earlier, whilst you guys were streaming or whatever, me and tubbo both decided to get drinks and snacks etc so I went to the kitchen made a drink and got some food of another person in the building she's called Racheal I don't know if you know her but yeah." She took a break I assumed it was for my response.

"Is she the one who's girlfriend bakes?" she nodded in response before continuing the story.

TW: Mentions of sexual abuse ( just re telling what happened in previous chapters)

"So after I got food and a drink I took it back to my office and then went to the bathroom, down the hall from my office" She took a deep breath and I just sat patiently. "There was a man, just stood against the wall. I didn't think anything of it at first but then he said 'Hey baby, why don't we go into the toilet together' I assumed he was talking to someone else so I ignored him as well I don't even know him."

My eyes widened not expecting what she just said." I'm assuming nobody else was around and he was talking to you?" I spoke up giving her a break from reliving the situation.

" yeah I later found out he was talking to me. He walked into the bathroom after I did and said Hey babygirl, it's not nice to ignore people!" She stuttered as she was repeating his words.

" you don't have to go on if you don't want to" I spoke making sure she knew she didn't have to speak.

"no ill continue. Then whilst I was washing my hands he said 'Baby, it's rude to ignore people' at this point it was clear he was speaking to me so I spoke up and said something about not being his 'baby'  he didn't take that well." she took a few seconds to breath." he ended up touching me and other stuff. I managed to run away but I don't know what would of happened if I saw him again"

TW end

I pulled her into a hug again as she started crying again. "Hey its okay! If you like you can stay in here for a bit, then I can walk you back to your office room?" I could feel her head nodding against my chest. " Then we can either both sit in your office room and leave together later or I'll walk you to your room, I come back to mine then before you leave I can meet you to walk out together? Just so your not alone" I hoped she was okay with this but I didn't want anything else to happen to her. She was young and it wasn't fair, it's not fair on any people who have to experience it.

She pulled away from the hug. " well I need to finish the video first then I think me and tubbo were going to do a livestream on my twitch maybe you could join? Tommy too if he wants to? Also you don't have to stay in my room you can come back here after. I don't really want Tommy or tubbo knowing what has happened"

"That is fine, I'll just make up a lie to tommy and tubbo, how about we fake that Rachel knocked on my door offering food, then I met you and her in the kitchen yeah?"

"sounds good. Thank you for helping me"

"It's honestly no problem! Anytime"

"thank you, shall we head to mine now not to keep Tommy or tubbo waiting longer?"

"indeed we shall" we both stepped foot of my office on route to hers.

This chapter was long overdue and I'm sorry 😔

I Keep De Bees //Tubbo//Where stories live. Discover now