Ch 11: Taken

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Remus held Karri back. Trying to keep her from going after Sirius and the Aurora's. Karri's screams hurt Sirius as he was being taken away for something he did not do. Sirius looked back tears filled in his eyes as he saw Karri being held back by Remus. The pain in her face made his heart break. Her screams echoed in his mind.

Karri's heart knew Sirius would never betray James and Lily. He would have rather died than give up his friends. As soon as Sirius was out of sight Karri broke free from Remus.

"Karri, whatever you're planning stop it."

"I'm going to kill that little rat!" She yelled. "When I see Wormtail I am going to kill him!"

"The ministry-"

"To hell with the Ministry!" Karri yells. "They put the wrong man in Azkaban!"

"Karri calm down." Remus says. "Everything will work out."

"Nothing will work out, Remus. Surely you must know that by now. Ever since Lily and James got murdered everything has fallen apart. Don't you dare deny it!"

"What are you planning on doing?" Remus asked her. "You can't just do something reckless. I'm not gonna let you be by yourself either."

Remus noticed the ring on her figure as Karri plays with the ring. She has worn that since he came back from the date with Tonks from Hogsmeade while they were at Hogwarts.

"You've worn that thing forever." Remus noted. "Do you ever take it off?"

"Only when I sleep or shower." Karri whispers. "It's important to me. More than ever."


Karri glared at him.

"Sorry. Just thought I would ask."

"Well don't."

"When's the last time you've spoken to Molly?" Remus asked about changing the subject.

"A few weeks ago when Ginny had her 11th birthday, why?"

"Pack your bags. We're going for a visit."

Karri and Remus stood in front of the Burrow. Remus knew Karri didn't want to be, but he didn't want her alone. Not when they took Sirius away from her. Fred and George Wealsey open the door and Remus notices Karri smiling at the twins.

"KARRI!" The twins say smiling. "REMUS!"

The twins let Karri and Remus in. Molly came out to see and smiled at Karri.

"Karri dear! So nice to see you again! Remus! What-"

"We need to talk." Remus says. "With Author too."

Molly nodded and had the two follow her upstairs. Of course Fred and George listen in on their discussion.

"What do you mean they took him?" Molly asked. "Sirius Black never killed Lily and James."

"You know who did." Remus adds. "We all know that."

"So what does this have to do with Karri?" Author asked.

"I don't want her to be alone."

"She won't be." Molly says, "This is her home. I'm sure Ginny will love her Godmother to stay with her."

"Just make sure she doesn't do anything reckless." Remus says. "I'm worried about-"

"I'M IN THE SAME BLOODY ROOM!" Karri shouts. "Do not talk about me like I'm not here."

"Karri dear-"

Karri stood up and walked towards the door. The twins hurried away from the room as Karri opened it.

"Where do you think you're going Karri?" Remus asked. "We talked about-"

The door shut before Remus could finish. Remus sighed and shook his head.

"Poor dear." Molly says, her heart breaking for Karri.

"She hasn't been herself since they took Sirius away from her. She keeps playing with that ring of hers. I'm guessing Sirius gave it to her but she won't talk about it."

Molly nods. "Let's go find her."

Karri stood in the twin's room looking at the map. Her lips form a smile as she looks at the map. She remembers Sirius telling her about the map.

"So who are you looking for?" Fred asked.

"No one." Karro lies. "Just wanted to see the old thing."

Her eyes spot Peter's name with Ron. Her heart pounds with anger as she looks at the name Peter. Remus believes he is dead. But how can the map show someone who's dead? The door opens as Karri grabs the map and places it behind her. Remus stood in the doorway. Remus raised an eyebrow as Karri cleared her throat. George took the map from her and hid the map under the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asked.

"Nothing." Karri says. "The twins always cheer me up."

"You better not teach them pranks."

"That is cold Remus." Karri says smirking. "Why would I do that?"

Remus opened his mouth but closed it. He shakes his head and leaves the room.

"You were looking for Peter weren't you?" George asked.

"Yes. But unfortunately some say he died."

"But if he died he wouldn't have been on the map right?"

Karri nodded.

"So what are you going to do?"

"For now? Nothing. I just need to Ron's rat to see if it's really him."

"Ron loves to show off the rat." Fred says. "But do you know it'll be him."

"Good point." Karri says. "Not sure. But I am going to keep an eye on the rat. When do you guys leave for Diagon Alley?"

"Friday." George answers.

Karri smiled.


Karri steps out of the twins room and hurries downstairs.

"KARRI!" Ginny yells before running towards her.

Karri holds out her arms as Ginny crashes into her.

"Thought I heard your voice." Ginny says smiling.

"You heard correctly." Karri says with a smile as Ginny pulls away from the hug.

"Are you coming with us for school shopping?"

"Of course, I always do, don't I?"

"Yes but this time you get to meet Harry." Molly says smiling.

Karri's heart stiffened. Harry? As in James and Lily's son? Karri smiled and nodded.

"Can't wait." Karri says smiling. "About time I met the boy."

Ginny giggled. All Karri could do is give the girl a fake smile. And wait until the time is right to get Peter into Sirius's place. 

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