Yours, Hers, Mine, Ours

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Heyyy loves! Merry Christmas! I wanted to give you a little Christmas present as thanks for being supportive and awesome readers and I don't know what's better than some smut 🤷‍♀️ Here's the deal, I upload a steamy one-shot on Patreon every other Monday, so I picked my favorite one from that group and decided to put it up for you as a thank you for being loving and supportive. I appreciate you guys so much ❤ I know I haven't responded to comments as much as I was before, I hope you can understand that the number of them I have coming in makes it hard to respond to every one BUT I do still read and LOVE the comments you leave me. Some of my serial commenters that comment on every chapter in every single book I upload- you guys have no idea how much I love that and specifically look for your comments after uploading new stuff. I love all the comments that come in, I love my silent readers, my spam commenters and my single commenters, my message board writers and my DM people who are too shy to comment somewhere public- I love you all. You guys are amazing! I hope you have a nice Christmas/whatever equivalent holiday you celebrate. Take care and hang in there, 2020 is almost over so let's hope for a better 2021!

Anyways, this is a threesome, so if that's not your cup of tea, you may want to skip this one (although I was told that people who didn't usually like threesomes actually enjoyed it, so you never know 😉)

I danced close to Eli, feeling my heart rate accelerate as our bodies moved closer, until his hands landed on my hips and pulled me back against him to the point our dancing essentially became grinding. His hands traveled up my stomach to just under my breasts before moving back down, low on my hips, touching my thighs.

"Evaline," he murmured, lips against my ear, hot breath hitting my skin and somehow making it hotter in this already over-heated club.

His hand slid up from my thigh, over my stomach, between my breasts to my chin which he turned to the side and tilted up towards him. His eyes bore into mine and I suddenly forgot how to dance at all, not that I was very good at it to begin with.

He just stayed there, staring down at me, his eyes darting to my lips as he moved closer, his lips almost touching mine. "Be honest, Evaline, do you want me?" He asked, rubbing circles in my jaw, his hand slipping lower, catching the hem of my skirt and lifting it, not much but enough to have me feeling the need to press my thighs together.

I couldn't answer. Obviously I wanted him. The problem was I also wanted his best friend, Isaac. I couldn't decide between them and trying to was tearing me apart. They were both everything I ever thought I could need.

"It's complicated," I admitted, feeling like my heart might make me pass out with how fast it was racing.

"What's complicated?" He asked, cupping my cheek and drawing me closer, our lips brushing together just barely but enough to make me nearly whimper. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I wanted Isaac too and that wasn't fair.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I blurted out, pulling away from him, unable to stop the blush. I could've made a more graceful exit but I was too flustered from being that close to him.

I rushed to the bathroom and tried to remind myself how to breathe normally, how to get my heart to beat normally. I stood in front of a sink and gripped the edges, thankful for something that was cool in this damn place. Staring at my reflection, those awful words came back to haunt me and I wondered how Eli could even stand to look at me. Your nose is a little too big, Lin. Your ears stand out a little far but that's okay, that's why you don't wear hats, right? Just leave your hair down to hide it.

Except my hair wasn't down. It was up. Both Eli and Isaac complimented it tonight but I suddenly felt overly self-conscious. I could try to take it down but it would look like shit after being up all night. Dammit, Evaline get it together...

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