Wedding Planner

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Heyy i meant to post this as a Christmas gift to all of you, but as some of you know, my Christmas got kind of insane. Hope you enjoy this one-shot from Patreon and happy belated holidays ❤️

When a family that may or may not be part of the mafia but regardless, is still a rich, powerful and influential family, asks you to plan a wedding, you do not under any circumstances turn them down.

It might've been the first time in my life I wasn't happy that I was doing so well as an event planner. I'd worked my butt off to get where I was. I'm sacrificed a ton, was temporarily homeless for a while, and never ate anything but ramen for almost a year, but it was all worth it the day that I was asked to plan a celebrity wedding, and as a result got a ton more contacts and was even on the cover of a magazine once.

All my hard work and sacrifices paid off. I was getting to do something I loved doing and I was doing a damn good job of it. I didn't mind the exposure or that other planners would get excited to meet me and want to bounce ideas off each other. It was nice, even if it was weird at times, that I'd come from so little and yet was able to make something so successful.

I'd loved every minute of it until the day Giana Azzaro walked into my shop one day, stating she'd be getting married in a year and a half and wanted me to be the planner.

It wasn't that Giana wasn't pleasant, on the contrary, she might've been my favorite client of all time. She was a complete sweetheart and the perfect balance of knowing what she wanted but leaving enough open that I could get creative. We hadn't had a single issue. Every time I brought something to the table after talking to her about her preferences, she treated it like the most priceless work of art and fawned all over me. She'd sent me countless gift baskets to thank me for my time and putting so much work into making her wedding beautiful. She was the world's greatest client. The kind we all believed were myths until I actually had her as mine. Giana was the epitome of what we all wished our clients were like.

Except the whole family tie thing.

Saying her family may or may not be part of the mafia was just because I couldn't legally say that. Allegedly was the word tossed around in newspaper articles. To the rest of the world, it was pretty clear that the Azzaro's were not only affiliated with the mafia, but were actually a head family in the mafia. The problem was, no one could ever pin anything on them.

That was the only issue with Giana. I was terrified of her and her family. They'd killed tons of people and everyone knew it but no one could do anything about it.

I recognized her instantly the day she walked in and I desperately tried to think of an excuse that I couldn't take the job. I didn't know what the hell I'd get into taking a job like that but I didn't want to know. The problem was I did actually have slots available and she was so sweet it was hard to say no. Then her fiancé, Alessandro, walked in the door looking like he could actually rip my place apart with his bare hands and so fear took over any logic and I agreed to plan it for them.

It had been the most stressful year and a half of my life. Giana was a sweetheart but while no one had directly threatened me in any way, her fiancé had a way of looking at me and saying "give her everything she wants and keep her happy" that made me want to crumble under his stare and worry what would happen if I did something to upset Giana.

It didn't help he was always carrying a gun. Or if he wasn't, someone else was with her carrying a gun. The sweet thing was that Alessandro was there for almost every single meeting and while he seemed completely uninterested in which flowers would make a better accent to the bouquets, he still tried. He still tried and the way he looked at Giana while she got giddy over the arrangements had me feeling so single, it was practically a personal attack.

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