An Old Enemy and Friend

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Sabre's point of view
I walked into the forest trying to get away from Time for a bit. It's not that I hate him or he is bothering me. I just feel awkward around him. Really awkward around him. I don't know why, but I just do.

I needed to escape that feeling for a bit. I already have enough to feel right now. Enough to think about.

Once I was deep enough in the forest I took a deep breath and relaxed. Being in a forest like this where the trees are close together and wild, but not too dense and tight like the dark oak forests in this world calm me down.

It's just perfect right now. Calm and quiet. Exactly what I needed to get through my thoughts without anyone knowing.

"Okay... need to get the sickness out of me without it spreading. How am I supposed to do that?!" I talked to myself angrily. I have almost nothing to work on. Nothing.

"I can't use a machine since the other Steves will find it and ask about it. I'm not even sure if a machine can get this sickness out of me." I felt my throat tingle and started coughing.

I got a headache. I don't know if it's from the sickness or the fact that my code is slowly breaking away inside of me. All I know is that-

I felt a strong pain run through my entire body and I clutched my risk tightly squeezing it. It helps with the pain somehow. Not sure why. Probably a bad habit that I haven't realized I have until now.

I guess I know my answer from moments before though. I sit down against a tree and leaned back. The headache was the sickness the other pain was my code.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds hoping this would go away soon, but it only seemed to be getting worse. Should I get some water? Maybe that will help? Splashing some on my face or just drinking some would be nice.

I get up slowly using the tree I was leaning on for support. I felt my body shake and saw my vision start to blacken. I quickly sit down and lay on my back hoping I don't pass out.

I closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings trying to get myself to relax. That's when I realized footsteps were coming my way. How did I not notice that sooner?

I need to get up, I can't let anyone see me laying on the ground. I tried getting up, but I couldn't. I just didn't have the energy.

The footsteps got closer but stopped when they were close to me. I still had my eyes closed so I opened them. I was looking straight up and all I could see was a greenish-blue band holding what loonies like a small teddy bear.

"That's the toy the young Green Steve was looking for. Why do you have it?" I ask the unfamiliar person above me. It wasn't unfamiliar for long though.

"The Green Steve dropped it here in the forest, I've been waiting for the Steve to come back and get it." I recognize that voice. Plague Steve.

"Plague Steve?" I asked to see if it was him. I felt their free hand grabbed the neck of my hoodie and shirt and lifted me off the ground. I saw Plague Steve's face. Yup, it was him.

"What's wrong? Didn't think that you would see me again?" He said smiling a little. I gritted my teeth a little from the headache.

"If you let me talk I might lessen that headache for you." He tells me making me quickly realize something.

"You're the one who created the sickness!-" I groan in pain as my headache got a lot worse. I felt my vision go more black.

"As you can see you have all my powers inside you, I would like them back."

"I rather die than let that happen," I say back.

"That's what I was originally planning, but it's your choice." He says to me.  Everything around me started to spin.

"I won't let you kill any Steves or put them under your control."

"I know you won't, but you won't be able to do anything if you die now can you." I shake my head a little and he continues to speak.

"Now I know you haven't mentioned me to any of your friends, so this should be quite easy." I started to blackout and I started to hear a loud ringing in my ears muffling out most sounds around me.

I suddenly felt another pain of my code-breaking, but this time it didn't go away. The pain was getting worse. It will be a few seconds to understand.

He was speeding up the process of the sickness.

I yelled I think. I'm not too sure since by now all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. My vision was almost completely black by now.

I felt him let go of me suddenly. I dropped to the ground like a lifeless doll. I couldn't move at all and I can't understand why he dropped me. After a few seconds, I felt something shake me.

I look at the thing shaking me, but all I could see was a black and red hat before I finally passed out.

Plague Steve's point of view
I ran away from the person before I could see them. I didn't want to cause any trouble or get caught.

I ran through the forest and eventually stopped once I got to the edge of the forest. I could see the town in the distance. The Steve town that will soon be mine.

I took a few seconds to catch my breath before slowly walking to the town holding the doll.
I think of a name I'm my head. A name that could suit me.

If they find out my name is Plague Steve well they wouldn't like me very much. They could think I caused the sickness. They can't know that until after I infect them with the same stuff I infected Rainbow Steve with so long ago.

"Hey! That's my toy!" I heard the young green Steve from before holding the hand of the Overseer. The Overseer looks at me confused then comes over.

"Oh thank you for finding their toy." He says to me.

"It's no problem. Here take it." I give it to them and saw them smile brightly. Good thing I already used the small bit of magic I took from Sabre and put that into the toy.

"Are you new?" The Overseer asks taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I just wandered here," I say smiling and he smiles back.

"I'm the Overseer. Nice to meet you-... what type of Steve are you?" He asked and I responded.

"I'm not quite sure. I'm Cyan Steve and I hope we can be great friends."
(Words 1177) Merry Christmas!

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