Chapter Error; Loading Corruption; Error; Restarting; Chapter found;

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Me, Light, and Blue Steve made our way down the basement area where we made a small integration room for Reverse Steve. He was awake and we needed to talk. He has so much information we can use like what there is there the main goal, where is their base, and why they are back from the dead.

"Are you sure we shouldn't wait for the others? In case things go wrong?" Blue Steve asked me.

"I'm sure we can do this. Reverse Steve is tied up and weak. If anything I can hit him in the head with my stick!" I take out a stick I found, sadly it's not my old lucky stick. That one is long gone now. Light and Blue Steve laugh making me laugh as well. I looked ahead and saw a wall that was built up against the end of the room. Two Red Steves were watching the cell. One of the red Steves seemed to be the same as last night's.

"Hi!" I chirped. I smiled and looked at the two. The one from last night didn't look at me. 

"Are you here to see Reverse Steve?" The other Red Steve asked. 

"Yes, we are." The Red Steve nods and lets us into the cell. We see Reverse Steve sitting in a chair tied up with his head low to the ground. When we walked in his head raised and he stared at me. I gulped. 

"Where is the base?!" Blue Steve asked. Light sighs. 

"We aren't going to get information out of him that easily Blue."

"Oh, right." Blue rubs the back of his head. Reversed rolled his eyes. 

"You three have always been too nice for these types of things. I know what you want and I won't tell you."

"I managed to get you down! We can do a lot of things to you now!" That sword I got earlier was helpful. We wouldn't off been able to take him down without it. We just don't know where that material came from. 

"You got lucky. You won't be so lucky again." Light goes up to Reverse. 

"We are the heroes, we get lucky. Now either you tell us where this base is or I will make sure you are sent to the world below." Light glared at him.

"Been there, done that. There's nothing too bad about it unless you don't like the heat. It gets to your head if you know what I mean." Reverse laughed. Light looked away.

"You're hurting so many people!"

"We are trying to help. This world is on the brink of dying. If no one powerful rules everyone will die."

"No! The Overseer is doing amazing. You are hurting innocent steves!" I snapped at him. This wasn't going anywhere. 

"He's doing okay, but with people who are stronger than him, know more about that past, well we can bring the steves back to what they once were. With the ranks of the past. The Nightmare King will rule once again."

"I will not let that happen! He was mean and a terrible person!" Blue yelled at Reverse. I took a deep breath. How are we going to get anything out of him? I should have waited for the others... Sabre would have known what to do. 

I then heard lighting come close to us, someone teleported nearby and now they were coming down. Was it Sabre? Who brought him back? We heard something drop to the floor and turned around to see what has fallen. Steve walked into the room and


"Come on, we should go back." Elemental insisted. I sighed.

"I know, but what about Galaxy?" I insisted. He would have to stay will Illusion and Alex until they were feeling well enough to come back. Time was coming with us though. 

"If anything they are safer in here than we are out there. Everyone else is probably worried about you." I sighed knowing they were right. I was shaken up by everything that happened with Origin. I still am...

"You're right..."

"Don't be so worried. You are probably just going to get hugged to death by Rainbow." Time adds. We all laughed at the thought.

"Alright let's get going." We all huddled close together and then teleported away. We were back in steve village. No one seemed to mind us teleporting in. Everything looked like it was mostly fixed up. Some farms were still damaged though and a few houses were. Time looked around seeing the same damage I was looking at.

"You can find Rainbow Sabre. I should help fix up this mess." He flies over the farms and starts to revert time to the damage done. I looked at Elemental.

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