About the Code Jumpers (A/N)

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Okay I am planning on writing the next chapter for this today. But I need some advice. So when I first created the Code Jumper. I didn't have a backstory, history, or even a list of abilities about them when I wrote "My Inner Code." Now that I am rewriting the story and having Almost and entire year of thinking about the Code Jumpers. I now have a history.

I have hinted to this idea in another book I wrote. "Steve saga short stories" It had a little information about them, but not a lot.

I was thinking that either I have a few chapters here of the short summary of the code jumpers backstory here in this book, or I write a new book entirely for the backstory of the Code Jumpers.

I just wanted to know what you guys think. Please tell me if you want a summary or a whole entire book for the Code Jumpers. (If I do the book I'll probably still have the summary in here-)

Yup- that's all I really wanted to say. See you next chapter!a
(Hint hint I write other books too. I have Outlaw which is my first full RQ book and I have Glitched Fate which a MC Trapped story you guys might like to-)

Also this book almost already had over 100 pages in google docs so you can tell people that you have read 100 pages.

Have a great day/night!

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