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Lots of dialogue in this chapter :) Enjoy.


Thank everyone in the building that Korra's nervousness wore off because, although Asami found it adorable, it would've been a real shame if she never became comfortable and more herself.

Because, Spirits, when she was herself, she was something special.

Easily, Korra could make Asami laugh and giggle and chuckle and fall over roaring. Whether it was a joke, a hand gesture, or even something as simple as a change of tone in the shorter woman's voice, it was absolutely hilarious. In addition to her being one of the funniest people she had ever met, she was really sweet and down to earth.

She learned so much about the girl in their continuous conversations throughout the dinner. Korra was a Division I basketball player at Republic City University, except one wouldn't really know it, due to her humility and, her obvious, pretty short height. She said it didn't stop her though. Clearly, it didn't. She was playing D1 for Spirits' sake!

I'll have to make it to one of her games this year.

"I just don't really talk about it much. My friends and family know, duh, and stuff... But, I guess I don't go around flaunting it because I don't see it as that big of a deal. Honestly, at this point, I'm just doing it so I can go to a good school, and Republic City U is definitely that. Plus, I get to party! Like, all the time, too. You should come one night. But, back to being serious. It's still crazy to me, some days, that I got such an opportunity. It's really, really crazy, actually."

She learned that Korra grew up in the South, where it was infinitely colder than the city, which Asami had a hard time to believe, as this was really the only climate she'd known.

I've never been to the South. I've only ever seen pictures, really.

"No, no. You get used to it down there, it isn't all that cold. Wait, no, compared to here, you mean? Oh, yeah, way colder. For example, your 50 degrees here is cold? That's t-shirt weather back where I'm from. You'd have to visit sometime, though. No! Seriously, you do! It's breathtaking down there."

She learned a little of Korra's past, mostly regarding her two best friends, Mako and Bolin. The story was actually pretty amusing to Asami, as she giggled almost the whole way through it.

Bolin looked cute, but Mako was hot. Not that I'm interested in him. Not at all.

"Well, it's funny how we all met. It was freshman year and I was at a bar. Actually, you know Tenzin's? The one on the corner of the 12th? Yeah, that one. Anyway, I was there and Bolin came up to me with some cheesy pick-up line. I didn't reject him because, y'know, I thought he was cute. Just not in a conventional way. Maybe I just thought his personality was cute, I don't know. It was freshman year, I was young and dumb. Long story short, we went on one date, and he was super sweet, don't get me wrong, but we just didn't really work out. Instead, we agreed to be friends. That was probably one of the greatest decisions I've made. He's turned out to be one of the bestest friends I could ever ask for, honestly. Soon after, I met his brother Mako and I definitely had the hots for him. No, no! Don't worry, I don't like him like that anymore! Haha! Stop teasing. No, I really don't like him anymore. I swear, Asami! We're much better off friends. We were way too hotheaded for each other. It wasn't a good combo."

She learned that Korra enjoyed working out. In fact, it was her favorite pass time. She lifted weights, did cardio, boxed, whatever she could, just to stay in shape. She admitted she probably did it way too often to be considered healthy, but she didn't let it bother her too much.

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