The Present

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Kingsmas in Pyre
15 Tevet, 3124

It was unusual for it to snow in Pyre, but on that particular night the intricate flakes of bright white fortune wafted down from light grey heavens and gathered on the ground beneath his feet, clothing the earth in a dusting of wintry beauty as Eliezer walked wearily home.

The city was always beautiful this time of year, bright and bustling with the strings of lights and decorations set out for the festival. The people of Pyre hurried about in search of the perfect gift for a loved one and the Kingsmen found their spirits lifted with the remembrance of their King. That night he walked as many men did with his feet a little lighter and his heart softly aflutter in hope. Despite his weariness, he was happy to be home and far removed from the haze of the city.

He felt the cold on his hand as it clutched the covered package with a shoestring bound to wrap it like a gift, but it was hardly a thought to him because of the warmth he felt gathered in his heart at the hope of its purpose. He lifted his eyes to the dim light of the library in the distance and smiled. It wasn't always that he was able to return from the city, but this was one day he was especially glad to come home.

He hurried in his pace, the thoughts and cares of obligations lifted by the light which he beheld in the distance as it brought with it the promise of warm fellowship and greetings, friends, and a steaming cup of hot tea. Certainly, there was no better place for him to be this blustery night than there with them.

His glasses fogged as he opened the door to enter into the warmth, and he stopped to rub them on his coat, clearing the condensation.

He breathed in the sweet smells of Mira's cooking and made his way stealthily to the kitchen, careful to remain quiet as he was mindful of the hour.

Eliezer peaked his head into the kitchen, grabbing the doorframe and leaning as he looked. There he found Mira and Ellis as they slaved tirelessly in the kitchen humming songs of Kingsmas merriment while they rushed around to prepare the feast.

"Elie!" Ellis proclaimed with his usual vigor as he happily caught sight of his friend. "Merry Kingsmas to you! Welcome home!"

He chuckled, his cheeks warming as he smiled, happy to see them, and he felt the joy rise in his heart. "Merry Kingsmas, Ellis, Mira. Happy to see you."

"Eliezer, what a pleasant surprise," Mira stated while dicing an onion for broth. "We weren't sure you'd make it back, and I think that Dorcus was beginning to lose hope."

His heart tugged at the mention of the thought and his stomach tossed with his deepening desire to see her. "You don't happen to know where she is, do you?" he asked the kindhearted woman in the apron.

Mira laughed softly, her voice purveying her joy at the question. "In your study, I think," the lady responded, looking back over her shoulder with grace, "I should have known you would be looking for her."

His face flushed at the comment, his cheeks becoming hot as the redness of his heart spread over them. "Yes, well... thank you," he muttered, lowering his head in embarrassment before ducking away and proceeding quickly down the halls of the underground quarters.

There was the faint glow of flickering candlelight emanating from the open door of the office which he and Dorcus shared, and his heart leapt at the sight of it, the expectation of their reunion too wonderful for words. He hurried to the doorway and paused, glancing down at his gift wrapped hastily in crinkly brown parchment paper.

"Do well," he whispered as he touched the top of the flattened gift lightly with his fingers, and with a breath he stepped through the door into the inviting warmness of candlelight.

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