Fall of a Mage , Rise of a Sacred Gear

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As my peerage and I are tracking this mysterious creature in the forest , I yawn . " Ok guys take a break , it's been an hour and a half . " I say with a smile , A collective sigh of relief escapes everyone's lips  . I sit on the ground under the shade of a tree . " Is this spot taken master ?" Rossweisse asked . I smiled " Of course not , It's waiting for you to take it ." . she laughs and plops down next to me . " So are we on the right  track ?" she asked  , I nod " Something came this way and honestly it is kinda hard to track , I can feel it but then it gets bigger and different somehow ." I say unsure of what to make of it . She leans on to my shoulder " Well if anyone can handle it , you can master I am sure of that ." she said with a bright smile . I rolled my eyes " Rossweisse , do you ever think maybe you put to much faith in me , I mean -" she cut me off " I don't know who told you were a bad guy ." when she said this my heart skipped a beat ." But you protect ,it is what you have done the entire time I have known you and good people do that , regardless of your past , We all are here for you master ,like you have been for us ." She looked into my eyes , I looked back with tears appearing in my eyes . "T...thank you Rossweisse ." I say with a sigh . I hop up " Ok beautiful ladies , Time to move back out , this thing is close ." As I say that we hear a Roar that shakes the trees in the forest ." Shit , that thing sounds massive "Mira shouts . Everyone agreed  but continued to follow me .As we got closer I stopped , feeling an immense energy . "Girls wait here , keep your distance . If it looks like it is going south for me attack from a distance . Understood ?"  "Understood Master !" they all said in unison .  I took a deep breath and moved on ahead .  I ran quietly using the trees as cover , moving in between them easily . Suddenly a Tentacle wraps around my leg and begins to drag me . I try to use my magic but I can feel it draining from my body at a dangerous rate . A blast of fire magic hits the tentacle, I look up to see Yubelluna " Hurry my master ." she grabs my hand . Then   more tentacles came out of nowhere , I pushed Yubelluna back  " Regroup , distance attacks only . Don't let it touch you !" I said as I saved her from being grabbed , But they grabbed me pulling back with great force . "Magic al..most ..gone . " I thought .  " F/n , you can do this . your magic may be gone but you have another weapon , your sacred gear . " Sirzechs says. I start to black out as I get closer to the unseen source of the tentacles. " Sacred g..ear ?"   " Focus what power you have into a center point and then just let it explode from the most natural place ."  He says . I don't answer . "F/N, As your master I demand you do what I say !" as soon as he says that my chest begins to glow. My mind goes white with power . The shockwave shakes the forest creating a humming noise . I wake up to find myself being dangled over a carnivorous Plant like creatures mouth . I try to use my normal spells but they wont work .  " Focus on a sword on the tip of your fingertips ."  I hear a new voice , I decide to listen and do just that and a glowing blade is created on the tip of my fingers . I take it and slice the tentacles , causing me to fall and land safely . I jump back as the girls arrived . They stared at me confused ,I look at them " What ?"  I ask .  " Why are you all glowie Master and why do you have a horn on your head  ?" Ni asked . I look at my arms and see a type of armor , I am covered in it .  " That is my fault , I am the the reason F/n. I am the sacred gear , The twin unicorn chest plate . I am a guardian of nature with a unique set of powers ,  Psionic magic to be exact ."  the voice explains , The girls try not to laugh  but fail  . " What now girls ?" I ask annoyed . " Well, the armor you have on has a horn on it's head  and it looks rather inappropriate  . " Rossweisse explains . I roll my eyes " What do I call you ?" I say to the chest plate . " Zin if that's ok , Also the armor changes to your will so , don't worry about the horn . So Should we focus on the monster ?" it asked . I growled  "Yes ." I turn to the creature and am instantly attacked . But a barrier was summoned to protect me ." I got you F/n , we can help each other , But once we get in  sync we will be a force to be reckoned with ." it says , it makes me smile " Awesome ." I say .  I run towards the monster, I was there in a flash  and focus on a spear creating one . I jump up and through it at the monster hitting it . " Now think about it spreading out and splintering into tiny spears ." it says , I nod and think about it splintering . As I did the spear rips it's self out by turning into small splintering spikes and shooting out . Thusly killing the monster . I sigh and laugh , But realize I can't use my Druid magic . "Sirzechs , I can't use my druid magic ?"  I panic , He sighs " F/n I think that monster eats magic , and while you were blacked out it ate it out of you . " he explained . I stay  quiet thinking about the situation as the units Sirzechs sent collects the monster . I lean on a tree and sigh " So Zin , let me make sure I get this right , you are a sacred gear in a psionic chest plate . But you are also the soul of a creature who guarded nature long ago ,a unicorn of all things  , who has the abilities to create psionic melee weapons , shields , armor , barriers . Is that about right ?" I ask  " Yes F/n that seems to be it . So  to help us get more in sync , The sacred gear reacts to a need to protect . The instinct is so pure and strong ,that next time we fight it will go smoother ." it replied .  I nodded " Thanks Zin , you saved my ass . So just so we are clear about whats next I am going home to sleep ." I say excitedly . " Girls ready to go home ?" I ask  , they all nod , I wave my hand and cast the devil transportation spell. 

Time skip 

 As we make it home I head to my room and flop onto my bed facedown . After a moment I felt someone's hands exploring and rubbing my back .I groan playfully " Thank you Mira  ." I mumble , A chuckle could be heard " Your welcome master , but to say I'm not enjoying this would be a lie ." she said in a flirty tone .I laughed " I know remember, I know what you are thinking , I know  your lewd thoughts ." I tease . She blushes " W..well I mean you are a better master then Riser , I honestly wouldn't mind you .....touching me how ..you want ." she said scared of what I would say . I get up and turn to her. I grab her by the collar of her shirt and pull her close " I know how you want me to talk to you , how you want me to toss you around . " I get close to her ear and lick it softly " I own you Mira . I control you and I like having this power over you ." I say as I smile " Go tell everyone to meet me in the common room , if you do good I'll give you a night where it is only you and I ." I smirk as I give her neck a slight bite making her moan slightly . She nodded and left the room . I sigh with a laugh " This is habit forming ."  I walk towards the common room where the girls are all sitting . I look at Mira and pat her on the head " Good Mira ."  she gave a goofy grin and turned red . I step in front of every one . " Girls I have a few questions and I want honest answers . Understood ?" I ask , they all nod . " Who is looking to be in an  intimate relationship with me ?" Before I finish everyone's hands shoot up , I smile . " So we will have date nights then , one on one dates . unless Ni and Li want to share a date and a bed together with me and one another  . "  I get a mischievous look in my eye and look at Yubelluna " I need to talk with you about the mission earlier , no body interrupt till she comes out . " every one nods and smiles . Yubelluna follows me into the room , I turn around an lock the door . she turned and looked at me  " Master ?"  I then read her mind " What is he doing , is this it , is he going to pin me down and finally make me submit to him , Fuck  I need someone to tell me what to do." she thought . I smile as I walked up to her and lean to her ear " Get on the bed Now!" I demand , she gives me an excited look " Yes master ." she hopped onto the bed as her legs hung over the bed ,she let her legs spread as she looked at me . I moved between her legs and gave her a dominating kiss.   I slip my tongue into her mouth taking control of her tongue . this made her moan and gently push me away . " Master  I like where this is going but please don't go too far , I ...I want our first time to be special is that ok ?" she asked , I nodded " Of course , if you want to stop just say stop and I will , This is for saving my life on the mission . Thank you " I said . She smiled " Thank you master ." she says playfully . 

Time skip 

Once we were both done I gave her a gentle kiss " I hope I made you happy Yubelluna . " I say making sure she is still comfortable . She nodded with a smile " I am , and on top of that you are so very tender Master , I bet I am the luckiest woman around ." she says with a massive grin . " Do you maybe want to stay tonight ,.....alone with me ?" I ask . she beamed and gave me a kiss " Be careful you already have my heart master , I don't want the others to be jealous . " .I sigh " Don't worry , I will give everyone the same level of care ,attention and love .  " 

(A/N I was going to do a lemon but I got sidetracked , I will do one soon as long as the interest is there , please voice your thoughts ." )

Natures Wrath    DxD (male reader X DXD Females) *Editing *Where stories live. Discover now