Chiaki Nanami

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  (Begins the first day of Sonia's perspective)

   Rewind. Rewind.

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   Chiaki's day started out just like any other.

   She woke up early, having fallen asleep really early last night. She washed up and dressed herself before heading over to the restaurant. She made idle small talk with Hajime who was complaining about something or other-she didn't really care what. 

   She finished up quickly before departing from the building, nose buried in a game, wondering what exactly she was going to do today. Luckily, the universe decided for her. 


   The peach-haired girl turns her head sharply at the sound of a voice, looking away from her hand-held gaming device. Running towards her with sparkling blue-grey eyes and a dazzling smile, is the Ultimate Princess Sonia Nevermind.

   Chiaki stifles a yawn, turning to greet her friend. ". . .Nevermind-san. Hello."

   "Hello Nanami! I was just looking at my e-handbook and I noticed we don't have that many Hope Fragments together! And we'll never get off of this island unless we collect all of everyone's, so, care to spend some time together today?" She asks eagerly.

   "Mhm. That'll be fun," Chiaki responds, tucking her device into her backpack, "what did you have in mind?"

   Nevermind strokes her chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps. . .we can chat over a cup of tea? I've been craving a cup all day," She suggests, "I would've had one this morning but I missed it for my usual magic lessons with Tanaka you see. I-"

   The gamer gently lays her hand on the Princess's forearm, shutting her up. She smiles up at her, making the blonde's cheeks go pink. 

   "You're babbling, Nevermind. But tea would be lovely. Shall we go now?"

   The Princess lights up. "Yes, please!"


   The gamer's eyes fell to Hajime the moment they stepped through the door. He's sitting at a table in the corner, dividing his orange into pieces as he stares out the window. He hasn't seemed to notice their presence yet and his face looks troubled and saddened.

   She instantly felt bad for him. Hajime doesn't deserve to feel that way at all.

   "Look, Hajime is here all alone. He looks kind of sad. Perhaps we should go keep him company for a while?" Chiaki suggests. 

   Sonia bites her lower lip. 

   "Hajime is strong. I am certain he will be fine." She replies dismissively. 

   Chiaki opens her mouth to reply but before she can Hajime looks up and over at them with a surprised expression on his face. 

   "Oh hey Nevermind, Nanami," He greets them, "what are you two doing here?"

   The gamer grins. "We just came to share a pot of tea," She explains, "care to join us?"

   Hajime smiles slightly. "Uh, yeah sure, that sounds fun."

    ". . .Um, you know what I just remembered I promised, uh. . .Mioda I would help her write a song," The blonde recalls, "so I've actually got to go. You two have fun."

   Chiaki shrugs, walking over to sit with Hajime. "That's too bad. Then, have a good time, Nevermind."

   "Yes. . .then goodbye!" 

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