Lincoln Lumber

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Elena Lincoln
I am sitting behind bars and no attorney wants to defend me. My assets were al seized, so I have a public defender and he is way overworked. Bail will not happen no one wants to be associated with me. They found Charles Miller 14 and Henry Garrison 12, how was I to know Henry was 12, he looked 16. He ended up in hospital after a friend and I had some fun with him. Richard is nowhere to be found. I am unsure where he went when he found out about my dungeon. He said he just couldn't deal with me any more. He had someone come and pack all his things up and he moved, but never told me where. I mean his business is running, but no ones heard from him. He has a good second in command and he says they do ACH for Richards salary and percentages. They think I had something to do with his disappearance.
I brought Ana in to tell her about her grandmother Johnson. Frank Lambert was her son from a short marriage. Her husband died while overseas. She married a wealthy man, her father set her up with. She was from old money like he was. She had Douglas and couldn't have any more children. So I told her that Regina wanted to be assured that she wasn't like Carla.
I am nothing like her, but why should Regina ask after all this time. He told me she had no clue where I was at until Carla left for Seattle after seeing news with me involved. She had Carla followed, her son Douglas married her. Carla lied a lot and cheated a lot. Douglas was blinded by his love for her. Ray said Regina seemed very sincere and I should meet her. I agreed to meet her. I also talked to Ray about building a safe house for when we need to provide family and friends a place to live for a while. He said he had Elliott make up some plans and Taylor, Barney and Welch are going to work on safety and security for it. I know Barney worked on SIP. Jack Hyde is walking on thin ice and he knows it. My Head of Hr is as well. I gave them one week to improve or be fired.
I finally met Ana, she is nothing like Carla. I found out that Ana didn't know who Santa Claus was until Ray adopted her. Carla always bought new things for herself and bought used things for Ana when they absolutely needed them. People gave hand me downs to Ana, but Carla felt insulted and threw them out. She was never treated right by Carla. She had to wait on Carla when she became old enough to be her slave.
I met Regina and she has got my mother's number that's for sure. She showed me photos of my dad and uncle. Ray showed her photos of me after he married Carla. You can tell she didn't want to be in the pictures. She asks me about my publishing company and I decide to take her on a tour of it. She told me to get rid of Hyde and Morgan quickly. She had no idea, but she sensed they were not to be trusted. I fired them immediately. Barney found out something and told me he caught it before they had a chance to move a big portion of money out. He locked them out totally. He transferred everything back where it was supposed to go. Talk about angry employees. We kept the USB drives, we paid for them to begin with.
I scramble in to my office to transfer everything to a special account I created to bankrupt this company and Ana Bitch Steele. No woman should ever own a thing. They should stay in the kitchen or bedroom it's all they are good for. That old broad Johnson didn't like me and made a point of making sure I knew it. She also hated Elizabeth Morgan. I was escorted out after Hr terminated me. I asked where Elizabeth was at? I was told she was fired earlier and had been escorted out. My things were my cup and nameplate given to me. They took my badge and keys. I asked about the usb drives. They reminded me that those were bought by SIP Mooney so they belong to them. Crap.
Elizabeth Morgan
I can't get signed into my computer and I got an alert saying my joint account with Hyde is overdrawn. It is a good thing I opened up a separate account without him. Because he has taken that money, I courier all evidence against Hyde to the cops. I hand miss Steele a box and tell her to check the things in the box. I tell her that she needs to look through everything involving Hyde. She is escorted out. I took my nameplate and my purse and turn the keys and badge over.
Do you have a legal department here? If you do, you need to clean house, because they knew something was wrong and did nothing about it. Ana there is one thing you should always do is hire the best attorney for the money and they will see you are protected from these scumbags. The fact it took outside people to find these things says something about legal and accounting. We got the Hr issue handled. Hyde will definitely try to get back at you.
Richard Lincoln
Just after I renegotiated with Elena I bought a shipping company. I went in and made it into a reputable company band it was bringing good money. It was pretty much running itself. One day I noticed something was off and we had three more containers going out than we had listed. I went to find out why and wished to God I hadn't. I hope they find out what is going on here soon. I look into the eyes of so many humans in trailers and they are about to be put on my ships. I feel metal against my temple and am shoved into the container.
Bellamy Woods
I aim my gun at Lincoln's head and tell him to empty his pockets he hands everything over to me. I shove him into the container of people we are shipping out on his ships tonight. The boss spotted him snooping and ordered me to handle it. Killing is not in my job description and it will never be. I have no idea where these people are going to and that's how the boss wants it. I decide after this job I am finished for good.

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