Chapter 2

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Hello Everyone!

Most of the book will be written in Alesa's POV but I will have some chapters or moments written in Matteo's. Since this is the beginning of the book I figured I would give you an insight to who he is before going back to Alesa's POV.

Matteo's POV:

An hour into my day and Its already shitty. I woke up at 5am to screaming coming from downstairs so naturally I went to investigate only to find my two best friends arguing over the type of coffee the maids bought. First of all does it really matter, second of all you are rich enough to go buy more coffee and third of all you have maids that can just go get some for you down the road there is no need to wake the entire house up.

If that wasn't bad enough one of my men came up to tell me 20 min later that someone has been messing with one of our shipments in New York and since no one is apparently competent enough I have to go there myself. It's safe to say I was beyond angry at this point.

Realizing what the exact date was today I was engulfed in a world of guilt but it quickly passed as I realized I had things to do. I packed a duffel bag while saying a few words I would definitely not repeat in front of my mother. I then left for the Rome airport, specifically going towards where the private jets are located. I got onboard and situated then started working. Not even 10 min after we took off the stewardess came to ask if I needed anything, and when I say anything I mean anything. She was obviously trying to come on to me and not in a way I appreciated.

She was wearing an ugly orange shirt and black shorts 2 sizes too small that looked like they were going to break open at any moment.

Despite my heartless reputation i'm not one to sleep around and chances are if you are that desperate for dick, the pussy isn't going to be that great. So after making it clear that she wasn't going to get anything here and if she continued she would end up with another hole in her she let off.

After that interaction I went back to work and soon enough we landed in New York City. I got out, met my driver waiting for me in my black phantom and called one of my best friends Antonio, one of the men involved in the coffee situation this morning, to get a better idea of the situation.

"Hey Matteo I'm assuming you want a debrief and you don't just want to hear my angelic voice" was how he greeted me. If I didn't grow up with him he would have definitely been long dead with the kind of disrespect he shows me.

"Fuck off Toni" I swore.

"Yeah, Yeah I know you like me somewhere in that stone heart of yours "I sware to god if this man does not get to the point I might end up shooting him when I get back to Italy.

"Alright the shipments have been coming up 3000 guns short and 500,000 dollars short. It appears the issue has to do with the man in charge of the facility Christian Connery however the second in charge also knew about it. Hey unrelated but since you are in New York though do you want to pick me up some coff---" I hung up before he could continue and I got dragged into the coffee debate from this morning.

Just as I hung up we pulled up to the warehouse. I got out and as soon as I entered everything went silent and people started shaking in fear. That was something I never got tired of. I relished in the fact that a single look from me could have people cowering and bending to my every need. I turned left and went up to Christian's office he wasn't there yet so I got situated in a leather chair located in the corner. He eventually showed up a couple minutes later noticing me as soon as he entered.

"Christian where are my guns and money" I said skipping the pleasantries.

"Mr. De-de Luca what do you mean" he said stuttering looking at his desk. I mean if you are going to betray me at least be able to talk to my face and not lie.

"Christian you know what happens to those that betray me" I said standing up and moving closer to him. With each step closer to him he took one back until he hit the wall.

"Mr. DeLuca please I had to-" At least he didn't stutter this time but I was sick of hearing his raspy voice. I took out my knife and stabbed him in the abdomen carefully doing it so that I wouldn't get blood on my white dress shirt. It wasn't deep enough to kill him instantly but enough for it to be painful. Since I wasn't about to spend my valuable time on him I called one of the men in so that he could be taken to the basement. Then I called the second in charge in and shot him point blank. He wasn't involved but he knew and that was enough for me.

After that fiasco I left to go get some files from my downtown office parking a few blocks away so that I could walk down one of my favorite streets from my childhood. I haven't lived here in 6 years but I always come back once a year and I always make sure to go to my favorite places, this being one.

As I was lost in my thoughts reminiscing someone runs into me causing something to get on my shirt. Great another thing to add to the list of bad things happening today.

"Hey watch where you are going" I say inspecting the damage on my shirt.

"Excuse me, you ran into m-" She says turning around obviously aggravated.

As soon as I looked up I froze. Holy Shit.

There in front of me stood the one girl that I could never forget.

The one girl I would do anything to hold again.

The one girl that could destroy me.

The one girl I never wanted to bring into this life.

Looking at her you could see she grew into her body over the years, she also grew her hair out so now it landed just below her full breasts. I always did like her hair long.

"Alesa" I said in way too much shock than I was comfortable with. I pride myself in always being 10 steps ahead but right now I was absolutely clueless on what to do or say.

"Matteo" she whispered as she turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

I wanted to say so many things but no words came out and she sure as hell wasn't sticking around to hear them. Despite her thoughts I never actually left her. Although I left her physically I always had a man watching her from afar. When I left things were taking a bad turn with the mafia and I didn't want her to get hurt or find out who my family really was and see me differently. Because of this I disappeared and I have felt guilty about it every single day since.

On every Sunday I always get a report on her movements and habits and every anniversary on the day we became friends I take the day off. I go and get her favorite food and spend the evening watching the sunset at the beach since it was her favorite activity. My men know not to disturb me on that day because the chances are they won't make it out of the room alive.

Despite the reports seeing her in that moment made me feel more emotions than I have in the past 6 years and after watching her leave I wasn't quite sure I could again.

I stood there unable to move for a few more minutes unaware of my surroundings, until I continued down the street thinking of the girl I hurt in so many unforgivable ways hoping that this time I was making the right choice.

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