9: Dire Decisions

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"I am Sejanus, and you are in trouble."

I felt Gnaeus tense up beside me as he went pale. Before I could attempt to intervene, Gnaeus opened his mouth to speak as a wide grin plastered his pale face.

"We've met properly before, Sejanus. Briefly, while I was consul - before your trip to Capri."

Gnaeus continued smiling and glanced over to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders tightly and thumb tapping against my shoulder.

Sejanus paused for a moment. His dark eyes flickered over to me. His gaze lingered on me and his eyes seemed to light up with recognition.

"I'm sorry, Ahenobarbus. I do remember. It was a very busy year."

"And this is my wife, Agrippina."

We locked eyes. There was a heavy silence.

I know who you are and you know who I am.

His low voice cut through the tension.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you properly."

I was silent. He smiled before continuing. It was a cold, sinister smile.

"I believe I knew your mother."


I wasn't able to punch Sejanus. Or kick him. Or gouge his eyes out.

Drusilla swept me away before any of that could happen. Gnaeus pleaded me not to leave. Not aloud, of course, but I could see it in his eyes. He was still in trouble for punching another senator.

My sister questioned me intently as she dragged my limp arm behind her, heading for an unknown location.

"Was that him? The head of the Praetorian Guard?"


"Did you ask him about Tiberi-"

"No, Drusilla, I didn't."

Her smile fell. But she kept moving.

"He's not going to help us."

"Pina, how could you possibly know that?"

Finally, she stopped pulling me by my arm through the crowds of people in each room. We were standing outside in the gardens. I couldn't even remember the path we took to get there.

I felt my head pounding. The whole time, we had needed help from the same man that dragged my mother and brother away from me.

Why did Gaius want us to talk to him?

Drusilla cocked her head at me and raised her hand to my cheek.

"Pina? You're warm."

I felt sick. I leaned against Drusilla as I sat down on a bench in the garden. The sound of the party continued inside and I could hear people calling out for my newly-wed sister.

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