Chapter 13

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Branch sat beside Barb and put an ice pack over her eye. Everyone noticed Poppy was in the corner. Barb wiped her nose and sat beside her

"Hey Pop-Squeak? You ok?" Barb asked her

"NO I'M NOT OK!!" Poppy yelled

The rise in her voice surprised all three of them

"You just got beat up by my little brother! Cybil betrayed us! We're all about to get executed! I don't even know where my dad is! I just want everything to go back to normal!" Poppy said

Poppy immediately broke down in tears

"THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!" Poppy yelled

"No it's not.." Trollex said

"Yes it is!! If we never went on that double date, if we never got together, IF WE NEVER MET!!! None of this would've ever happened..." Poppy said, crying into Barbs shirt

"Poppy it's ok. Everything will be-"

"NO IT WON'T!!" Poppy yelled

She slapped Barb


"It's my fault we're all about to die.." Poppy said, looking away from them

"Poppy no, no it's not. Everything you've done we wouldn't change for the world. We love you." Branch said

"Yeah." Trollex said

"Even if you're about to get us killed." Barb said

"BARB!!" Branch and Trollex shouted

"Sorry! Sorry!" Barb said

"But on the serious note what you did was absolutely beautiful Poppy. None of us would have had the courage to do this, and for that we thank you." Branch said

Poppy looked at them and smiled

"Thanks guys. I really needed that. I guess even if I'm related to Cybil, he'll always go down the wrong path." Poppy said

"You can't save them all." Trollex said

"Yeah, and even if we're about to die, at least we'll go out together." Barb said

"You could've died earlier if Cybil didn't stop." Branch said

"Hah!! He's too much of a coward to finish off the job. When I see that blueberry I'm gonna squeeze his head till his brain pops out as payback." Barb said

"I'll join!!" Branch said

"YEAH!!" Barb shouted

"YEAH!!" Branch shouted, joining in

"I think I have another idea instead of squeezing out Cybil's brain." Poppy said

"What's the idea Poppy?" Trollex asked

"Well I know me and Cybil barely know each other, but if he saw a timeline where we grew up together he'll have to help." Poppy said

"That idea is absolutely terrible. WE DON'T HAVE A TIME MACHINE!!!" Barb yelled

Ripple and Cybil turned around. Barb looked at them and smiled then waved nervously

"Or something.." Barb finished

Ripple and Cybil faced forward

"Yeah she's right." Branch said

"He wouldn't actually go through with it, would he Poppy?" Trollex asked

"Of course he wouldn't! He's not....that messed up..." Poppy said unsure

"I'm gonna ask." Barb said

"Probably not a good- and she's going. Of course!" Branch said

Barb stood behind some bars and looked at Ripple and Cybil

"So! Lovely night we're having! Uhh yeah, you're not actually going through with this whole idea to kill us, right Blueberry?" Barb asked

"Well I'd go through with eating fried bat." Cybil said

"What?" Barb asked

Cybil showed Barb a wing. Barb's eyes widened

"AHHHH!!" Barb fell back

Branch help her up as both Cybil and Ripple laughed

"Ohhh man! The look on your face!" Cybil said

Poppy saw the fear on Barbs face

"Cybil that's not funny!!" Poppy said

"What do you mean it isn't funny Pops. The stupid bat is ok." Cybil said

Cybil looked at the bag Debbie was in and kicked it. They heard her screech in pain. Barb felt her heart stop for a split second

"DEBBIE!!!" Barb yelled in fear

She slid to the bars to try and get Debbie back

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Barb told Cybil

"Well you won't be around much longer! Might as well just put the thing down." Cybil said

Ripple looked at Cybil and smiled

"Besidea I don't care what happens to any of you. Sparkys safety is guaranteed. I would've killed that stupid bat a long time ago if I wanted to." Cybil said, beginning to laugh

Poppy slapped Cybil with her hair to make him stop

Cybil grabbed his cheek and just looked at Poppy

"Who do you think you are?" Cybil asked

"I'm your big sister. Now you better stop it." Poppy said

Branch used his hair to bring Debbie over to them

"I don't care who or what you are!" Cybil said

Cybil stepped on Branch's hair to stop him from getting Debbie

"I don't even understand why you care for this stupid thing." Cybil said

Luckily Debbie was close enough to the bars. Barb grabbed the bag

Cybil grabbed the bag before Barb could get her inside

Luckily the exit of the bag was on Barbs side. She grabbed Debbie and got her out. Barb let go of the bag as Cybil fell back

Barb immediately hugged Debbie to make her feel safer than from being inside the bag

"Ohhh it's ok Debbie. Mommy's got you. Don't worry everything's fine. You're safe now." Barb said

Poppy, Branch, and Trollex glared at Cybil

"What's happened to you? You weren't like this before." Poppy said

"Hurting animals now Cybil? That's so unlike you.." Branch said

"What did they do to you man?" Trollex asked

Cybil just looked at them but didn't answer. He just sat beside Ripple and ignored their questions

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