Chapter 18

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Cybil, Trollex, and Barb arrived at the tree stump and saw their friends. Trollex saw Synth and smiled

"SYNTH!!" Trollex smiled

Synth looked and saw Trollex. He gasped

"TROLLEX!!" Synth smiled

Barb saw Riff, Carol, and Val with Debbie

"GUYS!!" Barb smiled

"BARB!!" The three smiled

The four ran to each other and gave each other a hug. Barb saw Debbie come over to her. Barb immediately gave her a hug

"Oh it's so good to see that you're ok Debbie." Barb said

"Yikes Babs. What happened to your face?" Val asked

"A lot." Barb said

"Interesting." Riff said

Cybil saw Sparky and the two gave each other a hug. Cybil handed Sparky the blueberries he had picked

Poppy looked desperately for Branch, but she didn't see him anywhere. Poppy looked at Trollex and Barb, who were catching up with their friends

"Where's Branch?" Poppy asked

Everyone stopped talking. Trollex and Barb looked at each other. They didn't know how to tell her

"Umm..." Barb tried to speak

"Where is he?!" Poppy asked in worry

"He's....he's not here.." Trollex said

"Then where is he?" Poppy asked

"No Poppy. He's really not here... he...he was shot. He's dead.." Barb told her

Poppy felt her heart shatter and skip a beat as she heard those words. She just couldn't believe it

"W-what?" Poppy asked

"He's dead Poppy. I'm sorry.. he- he died protecting us and getting me and Trollex to safety." Barb said

The room got real quiet. Poppy just sat there processing what Barb told her. She had a hard time trying to think that it was a lie

"So Branch is really....gone? I can't believe it.. There's no way.." Poppy said

"It's all true Poppy." Trollex said

"So it really is..." Poppy said

The room got quiet again. It was so quiet you could hear an acorn drop

Poppy started to laugh like a crazy person. Everyone looked at her

"Oh yeah she's lost it." Carol said

Poppy continued to laugh. Barb looked away from her. Poppy punched her. Everyone looked surprised. Barb fell on the floor

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!" Poppy asked

"Poppy stop! It's not her-"

Poppy punched Trollex. He fell on the ground. Poppy grabbed Trollex by his arm getting ready to punch him again

Poppy then let him go and broke into tears. Barb and Trollex held their cheeks looking at her. Synth and Carol were by their side as everyone looked at Poppy

"Poppy, it's ok." Cybil said

Poppy hugged her brother

"He won't die in vain Poppy. We'll avenge him. It's ok." Cybil said

"Let's go now." Poppy said

"Poppy... Barb and Trollex are tired. They've been through a lot.. let them rest." Cybil said

Poppy looked at Barb and Trollex on the ground and sighed

"Fine.. they can rest. They deserve it I guess." Poppy said, getting up and walking away

"You ok?" Carol asked

"Yeah... yikes! She punches hard." Barb said

Poppy sat on a chair and looked out of the small hole they had in their tree stump and just thought of Branch. She just couldn't believe that he was really gone. There was no way.. Poppy kept fighting the thought, but she just couldn't get it out of her head

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