Chapter 9

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Later that day, Gristle and Bridget came back. They saw the Trolls out of the room. Bridget noticed how extremely worried and scared Poppy was and picked her up

"Poppy? What's the matter?" Bridget asked

"It doesn't matter Bridget. You shouldn't know." Poppy told her

"Well I should if you're scared." Bridget said

Poppy sighed and looked at Bridget

"I had a nightmare." Poppy said

"Well we all get nightmares." Gristle said

"No. It wasn't just any nightmare. Creek was watching me. No! He is watching me." Poppy said

"What? Poppy that's insane." Trollex said, floating beside her

"Yeah Popcorn. Kind of cautious for someone like you." Barb said

"I have to agree with Barb." Branch said

"How can I not be cautious?!! WE'RE BEING HUNTED DOWN!! WE SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!!" Poppy yelled

Their Trolls eyes widened at her words

"Well that's just hurtful..." Trollex said

Poppy's eyes widened after she realized what she said

"No! No! I didn't mean to say that." Poppy said

"Then what did you mean?" Branch asled

"It just came out. I didn't mean what I said. It just came out." Poppy said

"Poppy this stuff is putting you under so much stress." Gristle said

"Because it's all my fault! If we never went on that double date, if I never told them about what I was thinking, none of this would've happened." Poppy said

The Trolls went and sat in Bridgets hand beside Poppy

"Nothing is your fault." Branch said

"Yeah, we couldn't be any happier. We love what you did." Trollex said, kissing Poppy's cheek

"Yeah Popcorn. We would've never thought about this." Barb said, ruffleing Poppy's hair

"Awww! You four are so cute together." Bridget said

"Yeah! Those Trolls don't know what they're talking about. You four should be together because you love each other. Not because of a law." Gristle said

"Awww you guys! You're gonna make me ugly cry." Poppy said

Poppy began to cry and looked at Barb

"See?" Poppy said

Barb patted Poppy's back

They six then heard the doors burst open and saw Chef. She was a mess.

"Oh no." Branch said

"Who's that?" Trollex asked

"Someone who shouldn't be here." Branch said

"Oh sweet." Barb said

"Chef? Shouldn't you be dead? That Cooper guy literally burned you." Gristle said

"Oh yes. I should, but something called to me. Something you wouldn't possibly understand." Chef said

"You're not here for the Trolls are you?" Bridget asked

"Of course not Idget- wait there's Trolls?" Chef asked

"Maybe there is, maybe there aren't." Barb said

"Ohh so you do have Trolls here." Chef said

"Even if they do, what can you do? We're guests." Branch said

"Why did you let a couple of Trolls stay here King Gristle?" Chef asked

"Because things have changed. We're friends with the Trolls. Good friends." Gristle said

"And they've been kicked out of their homes. They needed a place to stay." Bridget said

"So either you go or I'll get Chad and Todd." Gristle said

"How about this. The Trolls go, and I won't hunt them down." Chef said

Gristle and Bridget looked at the Trolls turn at Chef

"No we can't do that. They need somewhere to stay." Bridget said

Gristle stood there, not knowing what to say

"Then I'll decide for you." Chef said

Chef grabbed the Trolls and left with them. They got to gates and Chef threw them out

"Wait where's-"

Debbie landed beside Barb


Barb hugged Debbie

"That was our only place to stay!!! Where are we gonna go now?" Branch asked

"I don't want any of the Trolls getting hurt because of us.." Poppy said

"Why don't we live somewhere in the water?" Trollex suggested

"Are you stupid?!! You're the only one who can breathe in water." Barb said

"Oh right." Trollex said

"What about you Branch? Where do you think we should go?" Poppy asked

"I know it's hasty but what about Vibe City? The Trolls won't be able to reach us." Branch said

"He has a point." Trollex said

"But how will we get there? Barbs beetle bike is a wreck." Poppy said

"I know ways to get inside." Branch said with a smirk

The three looked at each other confused but decided to hear him out

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