Mirrors, Christmas, and Sticks

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A/N- This song is  "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond. I would have put a Christmas song but I like this one better.

Hermione had an agenda of her own. She had to go home for Christmas but she planned on asking her parents about Nicholas Flamel. She figured they wouldn't know but it couldn't hurt to ask. She heard the others in the library fooling around but didn't bother them. She was determined to prove that Snape was the culprit. She didn't understand why Harry was siding with Percy. It made no sense to her, but she knew she was right and that is all that matters.


Ron was teaching us how to play wizards chess. Percy was actually winning against Harry. Probably because we know battle strategies and Harry doesn't but that's not the point. Percy, my seaweed brain, was winning a game of chess.

"Annabeth doesn't give me that look," Percy said observing Harry's pieces.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she smirked at her boyfriend that no one knew about.

" No no no don't send me there can't you see his knight? Send him, we can afford to lose him!" Seamus shouted at Harry. They were using his chessboard and he did not trust him at all.

"Relax mate, it's the day before Christmas Eve, Harry is not gonna ruin anything and you're precious board will be fine," Ron said from his spot by harry's shoulder.

"Yeah, Seamus, poor little Ollie will be fine," Percy teased just as he check-mated Harry and destroyed his queen.

" Oh come on Percy, the queens take forever to reform,"

Wizards chess is a lot different from mortal or muggle chess. The pieces move with your command and when a piece takes another they physically slice them in half. Very violent, I know. (A/N- I don't play chess or know the rules so if that is the incorrect terminology, which it probably is, I apologize.)

"Sorry, Seamus, but I am just a natural!" Percy gloated.

Seamus rolled his eyes at his comedic friend.

" Whatever you say, Jackson, Harry just sucks,"

" I do not," Harry said, thoroughly offended.

" Uh, sorry mate, you kind of do," Ron said smiling as we messed with Harry.

" Okay guys enough," Will reprimanded, looking up from his healing plant notes he was going over with Neville. " We have to go to sleep soon anyway. Lights out are in a couple of minutes,"

" Okay, okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow morning at breakfast," Seamus spoke yawning as he and Dean, who walked over just now, left the Dining Hall.

"Will we will see you tomorrow as well," I said also tired.

" Yeah, bye Annabeth, say goodnight to Nico for me,"

" Why don't you tell him yourself?" I winked at him and gestured to the shadows that have been lurking near our table for a while now. That oblivious son of Apollo didn't even notice his own boyfriend, who by the way is always lurking in the shadows, right behind him.

" Oh, my gods Neeks! What the Hades?!"

" Hey, don't use my father's name in vain!" Nico replied smirking as he slipped out of the darkness.

" What are you talking about and where did you come from?" Ron questioned, bewildered by the son of hades sudden appearance.

"Nico, don't be obvious with the Mist, it might not work on them," I spoke in his mind.

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