Fudging Trolls Man, Know What I Mean

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Song: "Better Days" by Hedley. I haven't heard this song in so long and it played while I was writing this so I thought I would help relieve the past. This is released about 3 years ago, I think.



I was walking to the dining hall in the morning with my 'friends' when I spotted a familiar red headed Weasley at the Gryffindor table. Merlin! How are they not expelled?! I set it up perfectly. They don't even look like they got a detention. They look cheery and happy. All my efforts for nothing. But Granger was missing. Wonder where she went? ( A/N- Well look whose observant? 😉 Quick question. What ships should I do. Percabeth, Solangelo are a must. Should I do Dramione or whatever Ron and Hermione's ship is. Linny? Drarry??? Should I stick to the book or use other fanfiction as inspiration?? Comment what you think. Also I am reading through the Philosopher's Stone and honestly this book doesn't like me. Like at ALL. It is mixing up my class schedule again. So let's just forget it again. Honestly I don't know why I try with that. I must have changed it 5 or more times. HONESTLY.)


We were quietly discussing the package during breakfast. Percy believed it to be something big and important for it to be protected so heavily. But I reminded him that the package was small and looked like something any one would easily dismiss as unimportant. Yet here we are.

" How big was it again Harry?" Annabeth questioned.

"It was about the size of a baseball," I explained.

"What is a base-ball? Sounds weird." Ron spoke with a puzzled expression.

"Look who's talking. A flipping wizard with sports that require you to be in the fracking air," Nico muttered grumpily.

He looked very sleep deprived. Actually so do Percy and Annabeth. Maybe they were up late studying or something. ;

" A baseball is a type of ball used in a mo- muggle sport. About a quarter of a quaffle," Thalia simplified.

" Wow Thals didn't know you knew mAth," Nico spoke sarcastically with a sly smirk on his face.

" Shut up Death Breath," she muttered into her coffee. I am surprised they have that here. This is, after all, a school. Of sorts.

We continued discussing random things until the mail came. Hedwig flew in with a brown barn owl at her side. Both held weirdly shaped packages. Hedwig's one had a note on it. As they landed Harry grabbed the note from the package and opened it. It read:


It contains brooms for you and Ms. Chase. I don't want to other students to know or they'll all want one. Meet Oliver Wood at the quidditch fields at 7 tonight for extra practice before the season starts.

Professor McGonagall

"Wait guys, don't open it here. It is from McGonagall. Let's go to the common room. No one should be there now." I spoke after reading the note.

***** Skip To Common Room*****

I opened the parcel with caution. Annabeth to did it with the same wariness. When it was fully unwrapped everyone gasped. In the package lied a fancy broom that looked strangely familiar. ( A/N- I just realized something important. I don't think the conversation with Snape makes sense. Like they are in the past..... How do they know Snape??? I have way to many plot wholes . I am surprised no one noticed that. But to be fair I didn't realize until know....)

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