Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Remember when I said I'd never let myself end up in another cell. Yeah, I was wrong. Four. Four times now. I was getting really tired of being locked in a box. I couldn't even teleport out of this one either. If I tried, I had a nifty little device around my neck that would electrocute me if I tried. Like a dog with a shock collar.

Yep, real fun.

Could be worse I guess.

I heard footsteps stop in front of the bared door, and I opened my eyes to find Tony Stark standing on the other side.

It just got worse.

" What do you want?" I snapped, glaring at him.

" Alice-"

" No, you know what. I dont want to hear anything you have to say." I stated, before turning my back on him, and closing my eyes again. " I needed help, Alice." He told me.

" Help? Help." I muttered, before I began to laugh. " You didn't ask for help. You took advantage of a kid who looks up to you." I snapped getting up and walking over to the cell window.

" Yeah well, what's going he to say when he finds out that his best friend is a criminal? Which will break his heart even more?" He questioned, and I shook my head before turning, cursing him in elvish. " Don't yell at me in languages I dont understand." He replied, before he turned and left. After he was gone, my anger melted away into sorrow and I slid to the floor, my eyes squeezed shut.

" Alice, it's going to be alright." Clint said from the cell across from mine, and I shook my head before pushing my back against the wall and pulling my knees up to my forehead. 

Sometime later, I moved from the floor to the cot in my cell to try and sleep, but I had no sooner dozed off then I was jolted awake by a nightmare involving a giant eye of fire, a pair of very large snakes with red and yellow eyes, and men with pupilless black eyes enveloped in black smoke. It had all ended with an orc swinging an axe at my head as I lie helpless on the ground.

I ran a hand over my forehead as I sat up, my face in my hands as I tried to calm my pounding heart. " It's not real." I muttered to myself. " They aren't here. They aren't real in this world, Alice." I repeated over and over, but the images wouldn't go away, they circled my mind like the eye of a hurricane. Taunting me, relentlessly.

" So," I heard Clint call out to me from his cot. " What did you pick for your career path?"

" Physics." I replied, and he laughed. " I thought you hated physics."

" I did." I sighed. " Originally, I thought nursing like my dad, but then I started thinking some more and..." I trailed off, and he nodded. " At least you'll have a chance, most people like us, dont get that chance."

" Not from in here." I muttered, letting out a sigh.

Two days later, I was laying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling when I hear footsteps outside, along with a door opening, looking up my eyes widened. I scrambled to my feet as Steve appeared outside, pressing my hands to the glass I grinned, behind him the others were stepping out their cells.

I placed a hand to the collar at my throat as it turned off, before pulling it off and throwing it at the wall in disgust. " The Avengers are gone, Alice." Steve told me, as I teleported from the cell, and I looked away. " We go our separate ways now, then." I muttered, before suddenly hugging him. " If there's ever anything you need, I'll never be far." I told him pulling away.

" Same to you, Alice." He responded, and with once last grin, I flickered away. 

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