Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

" So let me get this straight, " I said pacing back and forth across the room, while Director Nick Fury, as he had introduced himself watched me. " You were experimenting with some rock you pulled out of the ocean, then this guy, Loki, just came through a portal, stole it, and is now attempting to take over the world?"

" That is correct." Fury responded with a nod, and I bit my lip." And you need my help to get it back?"

" Yes."

" Well, I'm not a scientist, or an agent, or anything. I'm a high school student. " I said leaning against the table toward him, and he rolled his eye. " Miss Stevens, I've been very honest with you. I'd appreciate it if you would show me the same curtsey." He said before clicking a button on the tablet he had brought in with him, and sliding it forward for me to see. On the screen was a recording.

A recording from a week ago, and in the recording was me using my powers to save a women from being crushed my a lamppost. I sat back in the chair, a stunned look on, my face. " How-"

" We see everything, Miss Stevens. There's not much we miss. Your friend, Peter Parker for instance-"

" Leave him out of this." I said cutting him off, and he folded his hands, leaning forward. " Help us, and I can guarantee that all will be forgotten when it comes to your friend."

When I didn't respond, he picked up the tablet, and got up to leave. " Wait." I said as he reached the door, and he glanced back toward me. " What do I need to do?" I asked.

He walked back over to the table, sliding the tablet toward me, and clicking another icon which spilt in several different recordings. " I'm building a team, and I want you on it."


I looked around with a frown as I climbed off the plane. I was dressed in a dark green shirt, a light jacket, jeans, and knee high boots. My backpack was strapped to my back, inside were several changes of clothes, and a binder with all the info I would need. My excuse to Peter, and my school, was that I was off visiting family and wouldn't be back for a while. 

" Miss Stevens." Someone called out, and I looked over before following the agent inside. I paused as we made it to what he told me was the bridge, curiosity getting the best of me as I moved further into the room. I turned in a circle to take in all in, ony to run directly into someone. " Sorry." I apologized.

" No need to apologize, ma'am." The guy said, and I looked up, and up, to meet a pair very blue eyes. " Steve Rogers." He said holding out his hand, and I offered a small smile before shaking his out stretched hand. " Alicia Stevens. Please, call me Alice."

" Alice. You look familiar. Have we met before?" He asked.

" Not that I can think of." I said, shaking my head before moving passed him toward the table, where I set my backpack, and removed the large binder to begin looking through it. " Miss Stevens, glad you could join us." Fury said walking passed me, and I rolled my eyes. " Like I had choice." I muttered under my breath, closing the binder and setting it on the table in front of me. I rubbed my forehead in irritation, wishing that I was anywhere else in that moment, but I quickly put thoughts like that away, knowing that if I focused to hard I would get my wish, and it might not be as pleasant as I wished it to be.

" We got a hit." I heard someone call out, and I looked over. " Wait. Cross match, 79%."

" Location?"

" Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrsse. He's not exactly hiding."

" Captain. Alice." Fury called out, and I got up with a sigh, already moving toward the door. " Your up."

" You get what I asked for?" I called out.

" Best we could do on short notice, but yes."

" Alright then." I said. " Shall we, Captain?" I asked, walking next to Steve.

Several minutes later, I followed him onto the plane, dressed in a tight fitting black jeans, boots, a black short sleeved high necked shirt, a long black jacket, and fingerless gloves. " Ready?" A female voice called from cockpit, and Steve nodded while I pulled up my mask and hood, so that only my eyes were showing. I was supposed to have the outlook of a shadow. I had left the uniform design choice to SHIELD, the only thing I cared about was that they got my choice of weapon right.

 I had left the uniform design choice to SHIELD, the only thing I cared about was that they got my choice of weapon right

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