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We lie
mostly to ourselves
than to others
in hopes that
repetition might just
make it true

I... am not this
perfect girl the world sees
I believe it too
till the night covers
and the demons take over

The last I say
Today and tomorrow
In the morning
They leave till dusk
To bring more sorrow

I can't  feel that love
my brothers say they do.
My heart is numb
If my king comes
I still won't  be
in any state
to receive him.

My brothers, look to me,
my mask has them deceived
I wonder how much are we
who walk in mask as norm

My  mind cries out
for a freedom it
can't seem to ever find
For to concede to the body
is to sin against His body
an act it knows too well
but to go against desire
is beyond any doubt
the one thing that
only the spirit can cause to be.

Whoosh. I'm not sure anybody reads these things so I have decided to pour out my struggles here. If you come across this, can you relate especially as a for a Christian?

Love and light

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