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Intro/summary-- Ian is mad at Mickey for not having a job and spending all of their money but on Ian's birthday he surprises him. They have a gathering back at the Gallagher house and even Fiona came back to see her brother after her two years of being away.
•rated PG13- some language used•
(Sort of set during S11, but no Pandemic storyline)

      Ian had been acting cold to Mickey for weeks after he found out Mickey had spent all of their wedding money and half their savings but wouldn't tell him what it was on. Plus Ian thought he wasn't working, but he was part time with Kev and V in the weed business and they knew everything but Mickey asked them to keep it a secret.
      He hated how cold Ian was being to him but on his birthday he knew it would all be worth it. He had bought them a small house, and a dog together. The house had been a mess but he had Lip and Carl help him redo it for cheap. The house was tiny, but it was enough for them and Mickey was proud he bought it with his own money.

      It was finally Friday night- Ian's birthday. How the fuck was he twenty five already? Mickey thought to himself. That also meant Mickey was twenty eight. Fuck they were both old! The Gallagher's all gathered in their living room and they all did presents first
"open mine first Uncle Ian!" Franny said
"okay Franny" Ian smiled
      Ian unwrapped the packaged and found two bracelets inside
"now you and Uncle Mickey can match!" she said
"aww! Thanks Franny" Ian said
        Ian helped Mickey fasten his bracelet and continued opening gifts. Debby had given them gift cards, Fiona gave them some new bed sheets, Lip and Tami went in on a new refrigerator and stove and Carl went in with Kev and V on a new couch
"the last one's from me. Not much but" Mickey tried to act like his gift was small
      Kev and V smiled as Mickey handed him the small box which was the key to their new house and a picture of the dog. Ian tore the paper off and opened the box and looked at it puzzled
"just read the damn card" Mickey said when Ian stared at him

'Dear Ian-
I know you've been acting like a little shit head recently and you have every reason to be pissed at me. However this gift will change your mind. They key is to our new house which I've been keeping a secret. I bought it right after the wedding. Carl and Lip have been helping me make it pretty and shit. The dog is because you said you wanted kids. Figured this was cheaper and easier first. We pick him up next week. He still needs a name. Hope this makes up for me taking the money without asking... I'm not good with secrets so this has fucking killed me keeping this from you. Hope you're happy now.... because I am. Even though you're pissed off.
Happy Birthday Firecrotch. I love you. Mick'

      Ian just stared at Mickey with tears in his eyes and smiled
"so what do you think?" Mickey asked
"are you fuckin serious?" Ian asked
"dead serious man" Mickey said
"and I do have a job. I've been giving Debbie utility checks for weeks now and I work for Kev and V in the weed business" he said
"I feel like such an asshole" Ian said
"well you kinda were but, totally worth it" Mickey said
"did anyone else know?" Ian asked
"we all did except Fiona. Been pretty hard seeing you two go at it" Debbie said
"thank you Mick... for everything, and I won't be an asshole. I promise" Ian said
"am I still not allowed to know the secret?" Fiona asked making everyone laugh
"he bought a house and a dog" Ian said
"no shit, really?" Fiona asked
       Ian handed her the box with the key and the picture as he hugged Mickey
"happy birthday man" Mickey said
"I love you" Ian said
"I love you too" Mickey said
       They all stayed up until about ten that evening and then Ian said goodbye to Fiona and Mickey borrowed Debbie's truck to take Ian to their new place. Down the road he blind folded Ian so he couldn't see
"this feels so fucking weird" Ian said as Mickey helped Ian out of the truck
"can I look yet?" Ian asked
"almost hang on" Mickey said
     Mickey opened the front door and turned the lights on and then took Ian's blindfold off
"no way, this is ours!?" Ian asked stunned at how pretty the place was
"yep, paid for and everything" Mickey said
"Tami helped paint and pick colors and shit. Carl told me what couches and chairs to buy" Mickey said
"this is so beautiful" Ian said as he couldn't believe there was even a photo wall of all their old photo's
"go look down the hall to our room" he said
       Ian walked down the hallway and stopped in the bathroom that was small but nice. It had a stone countertop and wood flooring and a walk in shower. His eyes widened when he saw their bedroom. Normally their current room was messy and crowded. This room was organized and had space.
"holy shit you can see the floor" Ian laughed
"that bed is huge" Ian said
"so is this the perfect little  house you dreamed of?" Mickey asked
"it's perfect, beautiful and more" Ian said
"I still can't believe you did all of this" Ian said
"you've done so much shit for me over the years, I thought this was the one thing I could do for you. For us, as a family" Mickey said
"I like when you get sappy" Ian said
"shut up, I'm just being honest" Mickey said
"I know and it's beautiful. Thank you for everything" Ian said as he kissed him
"so are we spending the night here?" Ian asked
"fuck yes, Debbie can get her truck back tomorrow" Mickey said
"I think we should test out the shower" Ian said as he began stripping Mickey's clothes off

       They made love in the shower and once they'd soaped each other down, they went to the bedroom and with only their boxers on they went to bed in each others arms
"thank you for a wonderful birthday, I'll never forget this" Ian said
"I love you" Ian said
"I love you too" Mickey said
       They curled into each others arms and fell asleep happy, excited to start their new life together.

One week later they got to pick up their puppy. He was a pit bull boxer mix so he was stocky built but more medium sized. They pulled up to the driveway and the two got out to greet a woman
"you must be Mr. Milkovich" she said
"uh yea, we talked on the phone. My sister helped too" Mickey said
"wait Mandy?" Ian asked
"yea I told her the surprise and she wanted to be apart of it" he said
"this is my husband, Ian by the way. The dogs for him- figured it was cheaper then a kid right?" Mickey laughed as the woman smiled
"well I'm Michelle and the puppies are this way" she said guiding them to a field behind her house
There were several different puppies in cages and play pens and Ian's face lit up seeing all of them
"and we can only get one" Mickey said firmly
"come on Mick! They're so cute" Ian said
"I've always wanted a puppy" Ian said
"one... and maybe a kid in five years" Mickey said
Ian bent down to the small play pen and all the dogs barked and jumped onto his lap
"hi guys!" Ian said
"I can pick any of them?" Ian asked
"anyone you'd like. We have four males and three females" Michelle said
Ian played with the puppies and finally convinced Mickey to pick one up too, and although he'd never admit- he fell in love with the dogs too
"I think this one!" Ian said
"aww! Good choice. He's very sweet" Michelle said
"yea he's a good one" Mickey said
"hi buddy! You wanna go home?" Ian asked smiling at the dog who was licking his face
"you just need a few papers signed and I need the rest of the money and you two are all set" she said
Mickey signed the papers and wrote Michelle a check
"one last thing, can you take our picture?" Ian asked handing Michelle his phone
"really?" Mickey asked
"yea come on. Don't be grumpy" Ian said
Michelle happily took a few photo's and Mickey even smiled for one of the pictures
"thank you!" Ian said with a smile
"you two have a good day. Take care" Michelle said

"so what are we naming him?" Mickey asked once they got home
"I kind of like Buddy" Ian said
"Buddy huh? You like that? What about Bud for short?" Mickey asked as the puppy wagged his tail
"Buddy it is then" Ian said smiling
"I'm gonna take him on a run in the backyard" Ian said
"yea okay" Mickey said
Mickey stayed inside while Ian ran around but he smiled from the window as he watched his husband play with their new puppy. Sometimes he wondered how he got so lucky. After everything he and Ian had been through as teenagers, life seemed pretty damn good.


I hope you all enjoyed this one! I really want something like this in S11 but I know it won't happen. Ian and Mickey deserve the world. I just hope the writers are kind to them on their final season.
I had fun writing this one! Please leave a review, comment or vote. No silent readers please. Anything is appreciated! 🙂💖

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