Cold Nights

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Intro/Summary: Ian Gallagher is sixteen when he runs away from home and is alone on the dangerous cold streets of the Southside. What will happen when he is walking around and meets Mickey, a dark haired boy whose a few years older then him
•rated PG13, contains language!•

By now Ian was used to the cold and lonely nights. He's been homeless for maybe a month or so now. He finally was fed up with his household. His Father was a drunk, and his mother had left the picture years ago and not too long ago he came out to his siblings about being gay... and although they said they excepted him, they had been cold and distant with him and constantly making gay jokes or making fun of how gay men had sex. Ian finally had had enough. After having a normal evening one Friday, he packed his things. He took enough food to last a few days, his favorite blanket and whatever else fit into his back pack.
It's been at least three weeks now. All of his food was gone, and his back pack had been stolen one night when he was asleep. It's been days since he's eaten and his body was starting to ache from the hunger pains. It was early spring time so it was also cold as all he had on was a light sweatshirt.
He was walking the streets, hoping some kind stranger would help him... but no one did. No one stopped for the homeless kid. He was trying to warm his hands when he wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into someone
"the fuck man?" the other boy said
"I'm sorry" Ian said
"you're lucky I'm not smashing your face in" the other boy said
"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry" Ian said
"do.... do you have spare change? Anything helps" Ian said
"do I look like a fuckin ATM machine you? Get your ass off the street and get a job" he said
"I'm... I'm sorry, I'm just hungry" Ian said
"you know what, fuck off! I just had a shitty day at work. Leave me alone" he said
Ian nodded and turned away and walked the opposite direction. He went down under the bridge and curled up with a dirty blanket he had found and cried.

Later that evening Mickey couldn't stop thinking about that homeless kid with the sad eyes and bright red hair. He knew how he treated him was bad and he wanted to make things right. He wanted to find him and apologize. He made two peanut butter sandwiches and had a bag of chips as he was heading out the door
"you're going out again? Thought you wanted to stay in" his sister Mandy said
"mind your fucking business!" Mickey snapped
Mickey grabbed an extra coat as he slammed the door shut and went to look for the kid. It was cold out and he remembered the boy only wearing a thin blue sweatshirt. It took an hour, but he finally found him under the bridge by the El
"hey" Mickey said
The younger boy was shaking and startled as he looked up at Mickey
"look I'm sorry for earlier. I had had a shit day at work and I shouldn't have taken it out on you" Mickey said
"it's okay" the redhead said
"here" Mickey said handing him the food
"I can't pay" he said
"it's okay. Take it" Mickey said smiling slightly
The redhead opened the brown bag and saw two sandwiches and a bag of chips which he ripped opened and began eating
"I thought you might need this too. It's cold as fuck out here" Mickey said handing him a coat
"why... why are you giving me all of this?" the younger boy asked, now working on his second sandwich
"I know what it's like to not have much" Mickey said
"is it okay if I sit?" Mickey asked
"okay" he said
"I won't hurt ya, I promise" Mickey said
"what's your name?" Mickey asked
"I.... Ian. Ian Gallagher" Ian said nervously
"Ian huh? I think I like Gallagher better" Mickey laughed which made Ian smile
"I'm Mickey" Mickey said
"what are you doing out here by yourself?" Mickey asked
"my... my family's pretty fucked up" Ian said
"everyones families fucked up man" Mickey said
"how old are you?" Mickey asked
"sixteen" Ian said
"I'm eighteen" Mickey said
"How long have you been out here?" Mickey asked
"maybe a month. I had food and clothes, but my bag was stolen" Ian said
"it's to cold for you to be out here, and I'm not leaving you alone" Mickey said
"I want you to come back to my place. You can shower, I can make you more food. Do you trust me?" Mickey asked
For some reason Ian did trust him. He wasn't sure why. Maybe he was just so helpless that he craved any amount if affection.
"okay" Ian said quietly finally
"come on. I'm not that far" Mickey said as he stood up and helped Ian off the dirty sidewalk

The boys walked home and Ian had this weird feeling like he had known Mickey his whole life. He felt so comfortable with him, so safe. They finally made it to a small brown house where Mickey opened the gate.
"my sister's name is Mandy, and I have a brother named Iggy. He's out a lot though" Mickey said
"where the hell have you been Mick?" Mandy asked
"whose that?" The girl asked
"this is Ian" Mickey said
"hi" Ian said hesitantly
"I'm Mandy" Mandy said
"why don't you hop in the shower, enjoy the warm water. I can leave some clothes for you in the hallway" Mickey said
"thank you. Thank you so much" Ian said not knowing how to thank this man
Mickey led him down the hall and Ian turned the shower on and let the water warm up as he stripped off his dirty clothes. He looked at his body in the mirror. He was dirty and skinny from not eating. He got in the shower and let the warm water run over his naked body and it felt amazing. He used the soap and washed himself off.
He got out fifteen minutes later and wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed the clean clothes Mickey had left him in the hallway
"looking good Gallagher" Mickey said giving him a good look up and down in the green tank top and jeans he had given him
"want something else to eat?" Mickey asked
"sure, thanks. Anything's fine" Ian said
"do you think you should call your family? Let them know you're okay?" Mickey asked
"no, they don't give a shit about me. Probably don't even know I've been gone" Ian sais
"so why'd you leave?" Mickey asked
        Ian was quiet... although he liked this Mickey guy - should he tell him he's gay? Thats not exactly news your shouting from the rooftops on the Southside
"Ian? You okay?" Mickey asked when he didn't respond
"I.... I'm gay" Ian finally said
"no shit, really?" Mickey asked
"yea..." Ian said
"what did your family not except you?" Mickey asked
"they said they did but they became cold and distant with me really fast.... then they started making fun of gays on a regular basis" Ian
        Mickey turned away to go back to stirring the pot of meet on the stove he had been cooking and sort of rolled his eyes. In fact, Mickey himself was gay and found Ian quiet attractive but he wasn't ready to tell him yet. Hell he didn't even know if the redhead would like him.
"smells good" Ian finally said
"yea, I like cooking... if you ever tell anyone I said that I'll cut your fucking tongue out" Mickey laughed and Ian just smiled
       Finally after twenty minutes or so they each had a hamburger. Ian couldn't remember when  the last time was he had had fresh meat like this. The two boys finished eating and Mickey cleaned up the kitchen.

      They spent the evening on the couch, laughing and smoking and drinking beer. This was easily one of the best nights Ian's ever had. They weren't sure what they were watching, it was mostly just on for noise as they paid attention to each other. Mickey finally just looked over at Ian, fuck he was beautiful. He may have just met this kid... but knew they had something. He felt their connection. He would continue to learn about him and get to know him- and to protect him

Almost a month later and Mickey and Ian were officially together, and happy. He helped Ian get back into school and got him back on his feet. If it weren't for Mickey, Ian wasn't even sure if he would've survived since he had had no food or water.
The two were out for a walk, laughing and talking and making dumb jokes when they run into Ian's sister- Fiona
"Ian?" she said
"oh my god! What... how are you?" she asked
"like you give a shit" Ian said coldly as Mickey grabbed onto him protectively
"I do, you know I do" Fiona said
"save your breath. I've been missing and gone for two fucking months and you never even called the fucking police. Show's how concerned you were, bitch" Ian said
"Ian let's just go, come on" Mickey said calmly
"wait... you two are together?" Fiona asked disgusted
"Mickey took me in when I had no where to go. Leave us the fuck alone!" Ian said
"how do you know Mick anyway?" Ian asked
"everyone on the Southside knows the Milkoviche's" Fiona said
"I'm not my old man" Mickey said
"Ian come home, please" Fiona said
"you're unbelievable you know that?" Ian said
"you didn't give a shit about him for two months. Don't act like you give one now" Mickey said
"come on Ian" Mickey said
They finally turned away and finished their walk. Ian was quiet... but Mickey just held his hand.

Later that evening they had a late dinner and showered together and spent the evening curled up on the couch
"hey Mick.... I've never thanked you, for saving me... helping me when I was alone" Ian said
"you've thanked me more then enough times Gallagher" Mickey laughed referring to all the great sex they've had
"want me to thank you again now?" Ian smirked
"since when do you have to ask me that? Just shut up and fuck me" Mickey said
"you're bossy!" Ian laughed
"you love it" Mickey said
"yea I do" Ian said as he kissed Mickey
Mickey and Ian kissed on the couch and slowly began to pull each other's clothes off, and Ian gently pushed Mickey onto the couch as he kissed his way down his body

I hope you liked my little au of Gallavich! Please remember to vote and comment, any reviews are helpful and appreciated. No silent reader's please 💜🙂

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