Chapter Thirteen

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AN: This entire chapter will be a flashback to different parts of Melanie's life, aside from the last section which is in the present. I will be putting her age at each new part. The first section will be the third person point of view to detail when she was dropped off at the orphanage, I hope you enjoy.

Age 3

New York City

"We can't do this, Noah." The woman spoke, gazing at the child in her arms. Her tone was filled with sorrow as tears began to escape her eyes. "I can't get rid of her."

A sigh escaped the man as he ran a hand down his face. He didn't want to leave her at the orphanage either, but this was their only option. "This is the only way we can keep her safe, you know what they'll do to her if they find her." Although Noah was trying to keep a blank face, the look of sadness on his wife's face and the look of his sleeping daughter was enough to pull on his heart, causing tears to form in his eyes. Tears that he refused to let roll down his face.

"Why can't we just go into hiding? We can get new names, be completely different people." She suggested, her tone was borderlining on being desperate. Desperate for any solution that would be better than this. Yet part of her knew that this was the only way to guarantee their daughter would be safe, at least for a couple of years. Safer than she would be if she were to stay with her parents.

The idea was tempting, but they would be hunted down to get to the girl. Even dropping her at the orphanage was a risk, but they were willing to die keeping the secret of where their little girl would be. "Lucy, we need to do this. To keep her safe." It wasn't an easy decision to make, even the thought of giving their daughter up made him sick to his stomach, but this was what they needed to do, there was no other way.

Lucy nodded her head finally, agreeing with her husband. No matter what, their priority would always be to protect her. Even if it broke both of their hearts. There was no doubt in either of their minds that they would be hunted to the ends of the earth, but so long as their daughter wasn't with them, she'd be safe.

The trio was soon at the orphanage, Lucy was holding her daughter tightly, broken sobs coming from her mouth.

"Mommy," The little girl spoke. "Where are we?"

Noah crouched down by his daughter and wife, a sad smile on his face before he spoke. "This is our new home." He paused for a moment. "Mommy and daddy have to go get some stuff. I need you to knock on that door when we leave, your new friends will let you in. We'll be back soon." The lies came easily from his mouth before he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"We love you, Melanie." Lucy managed to choke the words out between sobs.

"I love you too," Melanie replied without hesitation before watching as her parents stood and made their way down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to give her watery smiles before they continued walking away from her. After a few moments, she made her way to the door, knocking on it as hard as she could.

Within a few moments, the door swung open, revealing an older woman who looked entirely exhausted. "Hello, sweetie." The woman spoke, peering past the little girl to see if she could spot anyone walking away, but Melanie's parents were nowhere in sight. "Come in." She stepped back, allowing the little girl to enter. "What's your name?"

"Melanie." She spoke, a small smile on her face. It hadn't registered with her that her parents had abandoned her, leaving her at Saint Agnes's orphanage, she was simply excited to meet a new friend.

"Well come on, Melanie." The woman spoke, holding out her hand to the three-year-old, who took it happily. "Let's get you tucked in for the night, and we can talk in the morning. Okay?" Melanie simply nodded her head, still unaware of what had happened.

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