w h e n w e f i r s t m e t

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d a i s y ' s   p o v

I dragged myself through the halls of hell. same halls. same people. same everything. my phone read 7:55, five more minutes until class begins. i  made my way to english class as always and sat in the same seat. then it happened. an unfamiliar face strolled through the door. he took the seat behind me and situated himself. i felt a light tap on my shoulder;  if i hadn't been blanky staring at the clock i most likely wouldn't have felt it. i turned around to be met by striking green eyes. "this is english class, correct?" he said with a voice as smooth as velvet. i was completely captivated by the beauty of the boy in front of me. i replied "yes" then briskly turned around being the socially challenged person that i am. he is beautiful and i am not. i'm not sure when but eventually the bell rang, dismissing us from class. the beautiful boy walked out of class. no. he strolled. 


all week my thoughts remained trained on the beautiful boy in my english class. how could one forget such piercing green eyes? how could one forget such soft curls framing a perfect jawline? i heard his voice in every person who spoke to me. that same velvety smooth voice. even as i walked home i thought about the way he walked with purpose with his hands casually placed in his pockets. i walked into my house and headed straight for my room. i looked out my window expecting to (once again) see the empty window of the house next door,  but i was met with the beautiful boy with the bright green eyes staring back at me.

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