Unexpected Guest

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It has been weeks since they saw the guy that calls himself Prometheus. There was no leads at all no matter how hard team arrow tried to find any possible leads. And not to make things worse they have no clue who is Damien Darhk is. They have never heard of him before. There were many questons running through their heads like, is this Darhk guy a big threat and when will he make an apperance, would it be big or would it be small and quiet? Oliver is also running for mayor..shocking

"Any new leads on either men?" Diggle asked as he walked in the bunker.

"Nope." Laurel said with an annoyed tone even though she didn't mean to show her attitude.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked softly as he looked around to see if there was anyone else was in the bunker but it was just Laurel.

She signed as she held her head in her hands. She has been stressed and worried for the past weeks and she hated it. "It just... It just that Oliver has been so distance and angry at the world. I've never seen him this way before."

Diggle signed as he sat on the chair next to her. He understood her frustration with Oliver because he has those feelings towards Oliver as well when Oliver would get this way. "I know it can be difficult to get through to Oliver when he is like this. And since you never really never have to deal with him like this,..you're not use to it and you do not know how to approach him without having him snap."

She sat up properly on her chair to look up at him. "Do you know how to get through to him?"

He nodded as he turned to the computers. "At times I can and at times I can't... Sometimes you just have to leave him alone." he took a brief pause before continuing on. "And I feel like this time, he needs to be left alone even if we don't want him to go through what he is going through alone." he held his hand up to his mouth as he thought about all team arrow problems.

"I hate that you are right...It just kills me knowing that I can't help him in the way he needs it..and I can't help Felicity. I just want her to wake up already. I mean she is basically the glue of this team...from what i've learned. And she has the brains of computers, hacking, and many other technology knowlwdge and I'm just the person who knows how to argue." she leaned back as she kept overthinking everything. "I'm just better off giving up being Black Canary and stay as being a lawyer."

He crossed his arms at the last part she said. "Yes Felicity is many things but why do you wanna give up being the Black Canary?" he qustioned as he looked at her.

"Don't get me wrong I love this team, I love all the people who are included in this team. There was a time that I felt included in team arrow. But these past weeks, I haven't felt included in anything and that's not your fault, okay?" she took a brief pause to gather her thoughts. "It just Oliver has been making me feel like I don't matter anymore. He doesn't even make eye contact anymore when we are talking and when we are talking it's only about possible leads on Promethus or if I found anything out about Damien Darhk. And I don't get it...He tried so hard to get back together with me and I finally accepted just to what? To get my heart broken again." she shook her head.

He signed as he grabbed her hands looking at her with sorrow. "I am not trying to justified Oliver actions or anything like that, but when he is keeping himself away from the one he loves it's for a good reason."

She shook her head once again. "I don't accept that. If he truly loves me then he would not make me feel this way." she got up as she headed up the stairs not wanting to talk anymore.

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