note and apology

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Hello readers,, 
          I know many of u are waiting for updates of my stories. And I am not updating.  I am feeling bad . But pls forgive me 😔.actually last week my exams finished  and i thought that now i update my stories. but now I
have  many assignments to complete  and submit just in a week . Or in January my tests are going to start again. So I am taking break  for a month or may be more . But here is a little good news for u all is that. I already wrote half upadte of (AE MERE DIL)  and half update of ( MISHBIR =A UNIQUE AND HAPPY MARRIED LIFE) and also half update of (RHESHA =LOVE TRIANGLE)

So I  promise u all that I first update all of that stories ( that parts which I already wrote half).. ..
See u soon .( after a month or may be more.i will tell u when I get to know)
Till then bye bye.
Love u all

Ae Mere Dil (Ft. Rhesha)Where stories live. Discover now