Chapter 8

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Alicia Arcturus was not having a great day.

In one swift motion, her domain was being invaded by unknown, elves and demons working together to pillage, rape and kill whoever gets in the way, she dispatched her knights to get through the city , rescue the citizens and gather info on the invaders. She herself was getting ready to head out together with her knight squad and defend the city when she received news regarding the gathering in the plaza near the entrance to her residence, she ran to the outer walls in the entrance and saw in the plaza the army or at least part of it gathered near the podium, where she spotted the head nuns.

"Curses! We have to rescue them! Get ready everyone, as soon as the outdoor entrance is opened we'll push through their ranks, mages and archers stay here in the walls and providecover!"

One of her second-in-command of the knights approached Alicia and gave her honest opinion.

"Milady, even if we are all elite knights, we are a small group, we could be overwhelmed by sheer numbers...and besides, they could easily harm the nuns if we try anything suspicious. As soon as we open the entrance and rush in, they could just dispose of them. A viable option would be if there was an outside distraction and take that opening to rush in."

Alicia could only contemplate her friend's advice as she saw more men and creatures gather in the plaza, one of particular interest that caught her eye was a lone warrior who wore acloak that also covered his face.

"(Oh Goddess...what can i do? If i rush in, the hostages could die, if i do nothing they would die, i can't wait for all the knights that i dispatched, and hoping for an outside distraction...Goddess please help us.)"

As soon as she finished her thoughts she saw the warrior kill the priest in the podium, that seemed to stun everyone as there was an eerie silence with the only sound coming from thepriest's body falling from the podium with a large thud.

"(This is...!) Everyone get ready, we are helping that warrior! Archers and mages, be careful with your aim, everyone else follow me!"

"Yes Milady!"

The Ashen One saw movement from Alicia's group after killing the priest, maybe they would make their move now? But it didn't matter, he had a more pressing issue at the time. Momentsafter the priest fell, the Ashen One was surrounded by the mob with their weapons drawn.

"Well look here, we have a hero here gentlemen! Wanted to try saving a girl in distress? Be their knight in shining armor? Maybe you should have thought about this better, you aresurrounded!"

The Ashen One ignored the man's comments and held the talisman in his hand. Even if he was surrounded at the moment, he could remedy that.

"A quiet one eh? Too scared to speak? Or maybe you accepted your fate already? Don't worry, we'll make sure you stay alive just to see us having our way with those women...GET HIM!"

As soon as the man said that, the mob rushed towards the Ashen One, or at least that was their intentions, as soon as they took one step forwards...

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