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Min Young was waiting for Yoongi in his office. She took a deep breath and continued looking out of the window. Oh god. What the hell does she say? She was so nervous. She thought everything would have been fine between them after she dropped the L-bomb on him with she was playing the role of an invalid. It wasn't suppose to go like this. She was suppose to be happy and carry on being happy. What if she has pushed him away because of her stupid actions? What if he doesn't forgive her and wants nothing to do with her now? Fuck maybe she needs to leave now before he shows up.

Min Young was just thinking how it might be best when she hears the door to the office open. Too late now to leave, he is here. Min Young stayed facing the window, trying to get her thoughts under control. She closed her eyes and took an even deeper breath than before and turned to face him. 

Yoongi was stood in the centre of the room. His arms were folded over his chest and his feet were planted slightly apart on the rug. He was looking at her with no expression on his face. He didn't look angry, sad, curious. Nothing. Like any emotions he did have before hand had all been sucked out of him. Min Young gulped and looked down at her hands which were clasped together in front of her. She took a minute to get the rest of her thoughts under control and her emotions. When she felt ready she looked up. 

"First off I want to say that I am sorry for not coming to you or anyone to talk about my problems and turned to self harming instead. I have no excuse for why I did what I did but all I wanted was to feel something other than the pain they put me through. But the thing is the only thing I do know for definite is pain. That's all I have known throughout my life and its what I felt comfortable turning to because I can control it. I have recently spoken to Eun Jung about it and she told me to come speak to you and sort things out between us. If they can be sorted out that is." She trailed off. 

Tears were pouring down her face. She didn't want to lose him. He was the only person she felt protected around and who she knew didn't judge her. He had tried to protect her and when she had been kidnapped, he was always there to rescue her. He took her away from her abusive parents both times. He gave her a new life. He have her freedom and a new family. And this is how she had repaid him. She was shaking now and the tears where coming harder. 

Min Young felt someone place a hand on the side of her face and brush the tears away. She could barely see through the tears. Her vision had gone all wavy. But she could see just enough to know that it was Yoongi carefully holding her cheek. At that she broke down even more. She threw her arms around his neck and held onto him tightly. Oh god he wasn't letting her go. She felt his arms snake around her waist and pick her up. She was then set down but was too lost in her tears to take much notice.

Through the tears Yoongi held her softly. All he did was offer the comfort that she needed. His hand traced circles on her back. His cheek resting on the top of her head. He kept silent letting her cry as much as she needs to. 

The tears eventually slowed down enough that Min Young could look at Yoongi and speak properly. 

"I'm sorry for breaking down," Min Young said through her hiccups. 

Yoongi gave her a small little smile and used a tissue to dry her eyes. "Don't ever apologise for needing to let your emotions free. All I wish was that you had come to me or someone else and told us about it all so that we could have found some way to help you."

"What would I do without you Master?" 

Yoongi just laughed at her and softly kissed her. 

"When are you and the girls off shopping?" Yoongi asked leaning back into his chair, keeping his hands on her waist.

"We haven't decided yet but it will probably be tomorrow or the next day. We may need to go multiple days a week if we can't find our perfect dresses," Min Young replied, pursing her lips and thinking out loud.

"Okay. Just let me know so that I can gather some men to watch over you all."

"I will for definite. I don't want to be kidnapped again and it will help us all feel safe if we have others with us."

They both sat there in comfortable conversation, talking about random topics. They felt at peace with one another and knew that they were stronger together after this.

Min Young thought through the plan that her and Eun Jung had thought of earlier before she came up to the office. She couldn't wait to put the plan in action.

"Heyy Minnie, can I show you something please?" Yoongi asked pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Of course. You don't have to ask me you know," She replied.

Yoongi carefully set her on her feet and stood up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the office. He made his way to his bedroom door and pushed it open.

He pulled her inside and closed the door behind her. He made his way to his walk-in closet and opened the door. He ushered her in and turned light on, closing the door as well. He then made his way to the back of the closet where the mirror was.

Min Young watched fascinated as Yoongi opened the mirror to reveal another room beyond it. The room was pitch black. Min Young made her way forward to see what was in the space. Before she crossed the threshold Yoongi put an arm across the entrance barring her from entering.

"I've never shown anyone this and no one else has ever been in here," Yoongi looked right into her eyes so she knew he wasn't lying. He dropped his arm and stood to the side so that she could enter.

As soon as she passed the door jamb lights shone in the room. There was a bed against the far wall in the middle. On the bed posts were hoops. To the left of the bed were poles that held things like rope, chains, whips, etc. Next to the rack was a table of some kind that came up waist height. This as well didn't have anything on it. In the right of the bed, facing it, was a sofa. This as well ran the same length as the bed.

Next to the sofa was a cabinet of sorts. It held masks, blindfolds, gags and the such. Next to that was a chest of drawers. Min Young opened a few and found things such as vibrators, nipple clips and some things she couldn't identify in there. In front of the bed was a rack that had been raised up. Realisation hit Min Young as she blushed and turned to face Yoongi.

"How long have you had this?"

"I built it as soon as I moved into the house. I need a room to play in," Yoongi replied gazing around at all of his "toys".

"Would you be interested in this?" He asked her, his gaze coming to land back on her face.

Min Young chewed her lip. She felt excited by the things that surrounded her. She had heard about rooms like this but had never seen one or been in either. She didn't need to think long about her answer. If it was another person the answer would be an absolute no.

But it wasn't. It was Yoongi. The male she fell in love with. The male who fell in love with her as well. The male who protected her and made sure she was safe and happy. The was only one answer to give as far as she was aware.

"Yes," She said simply.

Yoongi made his way to stand in front of her. He leaned down so that their cheeks were nearly touching.

"Good. Because if you ever disobey me I will bring to this room and punish you. Do you understand?" He whispered in her ear.

Min Young felt a delightful shiver make it's way down her body. "Yes master."

They made their way out of the room. Before the mirror was closed over the room, Min Young took one last glance into the red room, knowing it wouldn't be long before she was in here being punished. Back to the room of sin.

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