chapter 12

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_:Blessed be the disinterested woman,blessed be the woman who doesn't care about material things,blessed be the woman who cares about you and not what you have.
_ _mo.Salmaa_

Things kept escalating between us as we welcome our second child.

And now zainab wants to please all her friends and stand up to their level.she said she will have the naming ceremony in an event center and not at home.
She wants a new baby bed worth 75k and so much more.

She knew I can't afford such but she keep bringing things up.

I denied her request,trying to make her understand we aren't to their level so let us please stand where we are.

The naming ceremony gets closer and I Still didn't agree to what she wants so she decided to make a heart breaking decision.

She refused to breastfeed the baby ,her own child 🥺💔💔.
Saying till she receives an alert of 800k (for the event and catering) she won't touch the baby.

Out f pity for my baby.I picked the phone and made the transfer.
She got what she wants and am now left with only  a million in my account.

Few weeks later,our rent expired and I have to pay 600k (because she made is live in the G.R.A.).
leaving me with only 400k in my account .I still have to take care of other things food, electricity and water bills ,I also have to pay for my shop rent.

Before I knew it, my account was almost empty and we had rely on the products I am selling.

The shop was running empty because I had no money to restock it.
We rely on the depts I had with people and thats how we live for almost 6months.

I was totally out off money so I suggested we sell her car and use the money to start something.
She clearly told me she isn't selling any car, that I can sell mine if I feel like .

A friend of mine gave me 100k because he saw how miserable I was.
I sold my own car and make a decision.

Our rent has expired and I have no money to pay so I suggested we move into a cheaper house of less than a 100k and start something with the rest of money I got.
The way zainab shouted on me that day still echoes in my ears, she said she won't live in a cheap house.

That I should pay the rent and get another money to start my business, and if she's living this house then she's living to a more expensive house or her parent house.

I pleaded with her but she didn't listen to me.

I paid the rent and we lived in the house, the small money I have left with me soon finished.

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