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The next morning I woke up and smelled something delicious. I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to see Mitsuki cooking breakfast.

"Morning sweetie!" Mistuki said with a smile on her face as she turned towards me.

"Morning! What are you making?" I asked as I peered into the pan.

"I'm making rice and miso soup. Would you like some?" She asked as she stirred the rice around in the pan.

"Yes please!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Ok, well go get dressed and then once you're done breakfast will be ready for you." She said as she continued to stir the rice.

"Yes ma'am. But I forgot to get clothes from my house." I said a bit nervous.

"Oh that's fine. How far do live from here?" Mitsuki asked as she turned towards me.

"About two minutes away." I said.

"Ok then hurry!" she said as she smiled at me.

"Alright! I'll be back!" I yelled as I ran out the door. I ran up the street and arrived at my house. I fumbled with the doorknob but it was locked.


I flew up and noticed my bedroom window was slightly open. I flew up and opened it and flew into my room. I took off Bakugou's clothes that I slept in and threw them on my bed and walked into my closet and grabbed some clothes and got changed.

I wore a black tube top and blue camo jeans with a black belt and Adidas.

I flew out of my room and closed my window completely and ran back to Bakugou's house. I walked in and saw everyone else sitting at the dinner table and eating.

"Oh perfect you're back! Here, your breakfast is right here." Mitsuki said as she pointed to an empty spot at the table next to Bakugou. I sat down next to Bakugou and saw that his head was down but I could tell he was blushing, a lot. I began eating my breakfast in an awkward silence.

"So, how long have you known Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked as she looked up from her food.

"Oh, a few months. Since the entrance exams." I said as I took a bite of my rice.

"Did you guys talk during that time?" She asked resting her chin on her hand.

"YOU HAG!" Bakugou yelled as he looked up from his lap.

"OH HUSH I'M JUST ASKING HER A QUESTION!" Mitsuki yelled back.

"Uh yeah we did talk." I said feeling embarrassed as blush formed on my face.

"That's sweet, you guys must be pretty close then huh?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah we are." I said feeling more and more nervous.

"Well I'm done eating, and once you're done you can just set the dishes in the sink." Mitsuki said getting up with her dishes in her hands as she gave me a sweet smile.

"Ok!" I replied back with a smile on my face. Masaru stood up as well and grabbed his dishes too, to place them in the sink. As both of them headed upstairs me and Bakugou sat and ate in silence as I thought about what happened last night between me and Bakugou.

"Bakugou can I ask you something?" I said looking up at him.

"What?" He asked as he stuffed his face with rice.

"Why did you...kiss me?" I asked in a whisper so his parents wouldn't hear. His eyes got wide and his face got red.

"Let's go outside." he said as he got up and started walking out the door. I got up and followed behind him.

"ME AND AISAKA ARE GOING TO THE PARK!" Bakugou yelled as he opened the door.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" Mitsuki yelled from upstairs. Bakugou shut the door and rolled his eyes. He started walking to a park not far from his house. I followed behind him as I got the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

We both entered the park and he sat down on a nearby bench, I sat down next to him and looked over at him, looking the other way with his elbow rested on the arm of the bench and his chin resting on his hand.

"So are you going to tell me?" I asked as I started to get a little nervous. He turned his head towards me and quickly grabbed my face and slammed our lips together. My eyes widened as he did that, then I slowly melted into the kiss and kissed back as I grabbed the back of his head.

He pulled away, a bit out of breath from the kiss.

"Listen, I'm not good with words when it comes to this type of shit. But I want you to know that I have feelings for you. I just don't know how to express my feelings with words ok!" He mumbled as he looked the other way.

I could feel my face get hot and the feelings of butterflies flooded my stomach.

" me?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

"Yes, I just said that!" he said getting a little irritated.

"Funny, because I have feelings for you too." I said as smile grew on my face. He quickly turned his head towards me with a shocked expression.

"You do?" he asked quite shocked.

"Yeah, I do. I actually have for a while." I admitted as I looked down at my lap.

"Well I'm just glad you told me." he said lifting up my chin and smiling at me. I smiled back at him then he placed his lips on mine and kissed me softly. I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We both pulled away and placed our foreheads against each other.

"You're mine. You got it?" he said leaning back to look at me.

"Uh huh!" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

He smirked at me as I got up from the bench,

"C'mon let's go back." I said grabbing his hands and pulling him up. He stood up and I turned around and started walking, then I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder.

"Why don't we go to a coffee shop instead." he mumbled in my ear.

"Ok fine." I giggled. He let go of my waist, grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him to a coffee shop.

Falling for the Hot Head (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now