Interning with Hawks

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The next couple days we got to decide which hero agency we wanted to intern for. I chose Hawk's agency. Then the day came where we would all depart and go intern. All of us gathered at a train station.

"What hero agency did you intern for?" I asked Katsuki who was looking down at his phone.

"Best Jeanist." he mumbled as he looked up at me and placed his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh that guy? I thought you'd pick someone like Endeavor." I joked as I let out a small laugh.

"Tch, never in a million years. Especially when he's that icy hot bastard's father, I don't wanna be near either of them." he grumbled.

"Ah I see. Well this is my train, I better go." I said as I gave him a smile and walked away.

"Wait." he said as he grabbed my wrist, making me stop.

"Yeah?" I asked turning my head towards him.

"Be careful." he said with a soft smile on his face.

"You know I will." I smirked out as he let go of my wrist. He nodded and I got on the train.

Once the train arrived in Fukuoka. I stepped off and walked the rest of the way there. I checked in with his secretary and she told me he was waiting for me in his office.

I walked into his office and he was sitting on his office chair facing towards me.

"You must be Aisaka! Nice to meet you." he said getting up holding out his hand to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you too." I said as I shook his hand.

"Get suited up and we'll be on our way." he said with a grin.

"Alright." I chirped out as I turned around to walk out.

"Meet me outside of my agency." Hawks said as I walked out. 

"Alright I will!" I said walking out.

I changed into my hero outfit and headed outside and saw Hawks waiting for me.

(A/n: I realized I didn't show you guys her outfit so here it is :D)

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(A/n: I realized I didn't show you guys her outfit so here it is :D)

"Ready to go?" Hawks asked with a smile.

"Uh huh!" I chirped out.

He and I walked around the city for a while and didn't find any thing we had to take care of. Once it was nighttime, we headed back to Hawk's agency.

"I have a room you can sleep in here." Hawks said as we got in an elevator.

"Oh thanks!" I said smiling at him.

"I'll show you where it is." he said leaning up against the elevator's walls.

Once we both arrived to desired floor, he walked me down a hallway and took me into a room at the end of it.

"Here it is, enjoy!" he smiled out as he opened the door which revealed a big room with a queen sized bed. The room was well decorated and looked much like a luxury hotel room.

 The room was well decorated and looked much like a luxury hotel room

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"Woah! This place is cool!" I said in awe as I walked inside.

"There's a phone on the nightstand so if you need anything, call me." he said as he shot a wink at me.

"I will. Thank you Hawks!" I said placing all my stuff down on the bed.

"Your welcome. Goodnight! I'll see you first thing in the morning." he grinned out as he shut the door. I smiled and plopped myself on the bed.

"I'm a little hungry now, I wonder if there's food in here?" I said sitting up. I looked around and found a mini fridge under a counter ledge which had a coffee pot with some sugar, tea packets, and creamer on a tray.

I opened the mini fridge and saw it filled up with bottled of iced tea, water, sodas, and some foods like some jello. Next to the mini fridge was a basket that was filled with snacks.

"Yay! Some stuff to eat!" I grabbed a bottle of iced tea from the mini fridge and grabbed a snack.

As I was enjoying my snack and watching TV, I got a call from someone. I got my phone out of the bag I brought with all my overnight stuff in.

The call was from Katsuki so I answered.

"Hello?" I asked laying down on my bed.

"Hey, how'd it go?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"It went well, nothing exciting though. What about you?"

"Tch, I'd rather not talk about it." he grumbled which made me laugh a bit.

"It was that bad huh?"

"Yeah...Be safe ok?" he said in a soft tone.

"I will. You stay safe too."

"Tch, of course I will." he muttered.

"I know." I laughed out. "Well goodnight. I love you."

"Love you too." he whispered.

"What was that?" I said with a smirk.

"I said I love you too!" he yelled into the phone which made me giggle.

"Goodnight Katsuki. I said before hanging up.

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