Episode 7

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A/N Okay so I decided not to do the weird song thing, just because there isn't really a good song for the next episode. Oh, sorry I was late on updating, my tablet broke and my computer is filled with viruses, but don't worry the situation is under control now.... sorta. Anyway, I hope you enjoy~!

Ali held my hand as we walked through the city. Our cloaks covering our identities. He led me all through town. Showing me all the wonders within the city.
"Wait here, I'll be right back," he smiled before running off. I looked around. A caught a glimpse of a man staring at me. It's him! The guy from my dreams! He was drinking something. He set his drink down on a barrel, his eyes never leaving mine. His eyes still watching me, he walked off into an alley. I followed him.
He walked down different alleys. Night setting soon. Damn! Dead end.
"We finally meet your majesty," I quickly turned around and saw him standing there. He hid in the shadows, quite well.
"You, what's your name?" I asked my voice quivering.
"Not needed, what I want to know is who is that guy you're traveling with?" He shook his head.
"Never talked about a guy like him before," he tilted his head innocently.
"A friend, the guy I'm supposedly marrying," I said. He nodded.
"Now I remember," he stated.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
"That's for later," he shook his head again.
"Why? I want to know now!" I said, getting pissed at his remarks.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he shook his finger.
"I would love to tell, but I'd rather see what happens when you remember," he smirked.
"Wait!" I threw out my hand before his yellow eye lit and he dashed into the sky and outta sight.
"Evangelene!" I turned towards the familiar voice. Ali. He dashed over, heaving.
"I've.... been... looking.... everywhere," he panted. He stood and stared at me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me close. He was hugging me.... I looked up and saw a shadow watching us. A glowing yellow where his left eye should be. He noticed me and turned out of sight. I sighed and stared at the floor.
"Let's go," I patted his shoulder. He let go and smiled at me. I glanced up at the roof. The same yellow shine was there, but he was hidden. I smiled and gave a small wave. He pushed off the wall and stared at me. I stared at the floor, not noticing Ali was already at the end of the alley.
"Are you coming or not?" He called. I stared at him and back at the roof. I looked back at the floor before racing to catch up with Ali. I whispered my goodbyes before heading into the carriage and heading to the castle.

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