Episode 6 He Arrives

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I sighed as I tapped my fingers against my chin. I couldn't get him out of my head. His yellow eye and his dark brown one. Amazing. His jet black hair and his yellow striped coat. I sighed. This sucks. I'm wearing a tight ass dress that shows off my tits way too much.

"Prince Ali is here!" My mother shouted. Everyone gathered at the gate as I scoffed and walked out to the garden. I don't want to do this. Hell I don't even want to meet the damn man. I sat on a bench and sniffed different flowers growing in the garden.

"She's over in the garden if you would like to see her. It's a right, right, left in the maze," a woman said. A man thanked her and made his way in. My eyes swirled until I closed them and reopened them. My eyes shining a bright blue and purple. My vision is slightly blurry bt I see him walking in. He's taking hesitant steps, probably because he doesn't know where to go. I smiled slightly.

"Having trouble Ali?" I shouted into the maze.

"Uh, somewhat," he scrathed his neck.

"See the opening on your left?" I asked.

"Ya," he nodded, not knowing I could see him.

"Go that way, then take a right," I said. He followed my instructions. I reached into my secret compartment on my dress and grabbed my eye patch. I put it on and stood as he arrived.

"Nice to meet you Ali," I curtzied. He bowed.

"The pleasure is all mine," he walked over to me and kissed the back of my hand.

"I should have picked a better spot to see you in, I apologize. But, I did not know you would arrive so soon," I said honestly. He smiled.

"It's quite all right, but, how did you know where I was?" He asked astonished.

I hesitated. "I uh-, just know the maze well," I said.

"You said you didn't know I was coming though?" He tilted his head. God, ao many questions.

"Beginner's luck I suppose?" I tried hard to hide my lie. He narrowed his eyes before sighing.

"Alright I suppose, anyway. Mind showing me around the castle?" he asked.

"Of course not, Ali. Follow me," I led him out of the maze and into the garden.

~le time skip~

He laughed loudly.

"How do you manage with such a dreadful mother?" His accent rolling of his tongue, (he is now been decided to be British, since I always love trying to perfect my british accent! ;P)

"It's pretty easy when you live in such a huge castle," I said, trying not to smile.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She won't ever find me!" I smiled. He laughed. We sat on a bench on he hillside and stared off into the bright sunset. Marcilus was the "sun" of our world. He stood up and stretched his arms out taking in the sunset.

"Can I be honest with you?" He turned to me.

"I suppose," I teased. He chuckled.

"I wasn't all excited to come here, I mean. Being a prince I've been to countless of places with girls who will wear such tight dresses," he glanced over at me. I picked at the tight buttom of the dress.

"But you, have been picking at that damn dress for awhile now," he laughed. I blushed.

"I'm not used to wearing dresses, nor fond of them either," I stared at the ground. He sat next to me and looked into my only revealing eye.

"What happened? To your eye?" He asked. I raised my hand to the bandage, covering it.

"I'm sorry to crude to talk about?" He asked. I shook my head. I closed my eyes and slowly reached my hands behind my head. I unied the knot and let the bandage drop. I sighed before opening my eyes and staring at him. He hesitated.

"Amazing!" He pushed back my hair amd stared into both of my eyes. He looked from me to my lips and back again. He leaned in and I did as well.

"Evangelene!" The queen called. I quickly stood. Blushing like crazy.

"I'm sorry Ali, if Evangelene was such a bore you can always chitchat with me," she winked.

"That would be delightful, but I really enjoyed my time here today," he smiled at me. I stared at the ground.

"Girl! Where is your bandage? Cover that disgraceful eye of yours, it's sickening," she turned in a huff and walked off.

"Bastard," I mumbled. Ali laughed. I picked up my eye patch and rose my hands before Ali pressed his own to mine, pulling down my hands.

"I think you look beautiful, the color of of your eye, well colors, are beautiful," he smiled at me.

"Shall I walk you to your room?" He gestured.

"That would be lovely," I smiled shyly as we walked to my room slowly. Conversing about simple nothings. And it was brilliant.

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