Episode 4 New Plan

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By the way, the picture above is Novena when her eyes aren't red. Why do they turn red, you may ask. But you won't find out for a long while. Anyway, enjoy~!

We walked back quickly to their little camp. I sat down on a log and turned my attention to Ace.

"So, you left to be a world known thief eh?" I shook my head. He gasped.

"You're no better! You're sneaking out of the castle regularly!" He agrued. I glared at him before turning to the girl beside me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Novena," she stated.

"Eh, that's a pretty name," I tapped my chin in thought. I snapped my fingers.

"You're the one that trails blood behind her aren't you? Dragging her fingers against the wall?" I asked. She nodded slightly.

"You're pretty amazing, even I had a hard time finding you," I laughed. She smiled slightly. I looked at both of them. They sat there awkwardly twiddling their thumbs.

"Are you guys dating?" I asked. Ace shot up and shook his head quickly. "Never! Not if someone paid me 10 billion everyday for the rest of my life," he shook he hands. I nodded. He acts the same. I wonder if anything else is the same. I smirked.

"Hey Ace~," I sang. He turned towards me and I leaned in he gasped but didn't back away. I reached my hand slowly to his sides as he stared right into my eyes. I jabbed his sides at the same time and he bagan laughing like a mad man. I tried some other spots as well. I tried his neck, worked. His chest, check. And under his knee, check again. I had him on the floor pinned down wih my knees and I was jabbing his side with one hand and tickling his neck with the other. I felt Novena roll her eyes at my back.


Great, just great. Lover boy here is going to want to stay will Evangelene and leave me to steal by myself. I sighed. Evangelene finally stopped tickling Ace, but they both were still laughing as they sat down. I tapped my fingers against my hin, waiting for them to stop laughing.

After what seemed like forever they finally stopped laughing and they both stared at me. I sighed.

"So, Evangelene," I said in a condescending tone, "are you going to spill about what we're doing next?" I asked glaring at her. She smirked.

"Actually I," she paused and held her hand by her chin, "I want to come with you," she said. I laughed.

"I'm sorry, but you have no reason to be laughing, didn't I almost kill you back there?" She asked.

"Right, right. This is different, you can't travel with the most dangerous people on this damm planet through the galaxy can you?" I asked. She nodded.

"I could be very helpful. You say you're he most danerous but I took you out easily when we were fighting, so let me help. I don't want to be here as much as you do. I can borrow money from the castle funds and we can buy a spadeship," she crossed my arms. I rolled my eyes over to Ace he smiled brightly nodding. I sighed.

"Fine, but betray us, and I'll have your head," I made as if I was cutting my throat and walked off to my tent. This is gonna be a long long trip.

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