Several hours had passed, and the day had been eventful- but it wasn't over. In the dark of the night, the xenomorph felt the shift of something else outside of the building it slept in. The move of its kind. Rapidly drawing closer to their location. Perhaps drawn by the White Woman or because it was just creeping around. Whatever it was, the xenomorph moved its head and nudged the White Woman awake until she sat up, leaning forward enough for the creature to get to its feet and shake off its grogginess, "Child?" She questioned but the xenomorph moved it's head around to pinpoint its sibling's location, and tried to move out of the room- pausing for her to open the door before it burst out and pointed to the end of the wall way- to the west. She looked around and the xenomorph moved out of the hallway and into a room with a window big enough for the xenomorph to leave through. "Are you sure you're able to move properly?" The White Woman whispered to the creature and it gurgled, testing its wounded leg which had healed, and she smiled, "Then let's go." The xenomorph hissed and moved towards the window, crawling out of it as she walked behind the creature and stopped at the open window frame, before it's long black tail slithered in and gently wrapped around her as a support while she climbed out of the window, before setting her on the roof of the building. However, the door opening had awoken Vinny who rushed out of his room where he and his sister slept, into the old study they had left out of, shoving his head out of the window,
"Hey, where are you going?!" Vinny asked and the White Woman paused, looking over the edge of the roof at him, her oily night-companion moving next to her, to slip it's tail around her midsection to ensure she didn't fall.
"One of the approaches; I must find them." The White Woman said, almost robotically, as she turned and looked away, "Your 'policemen' have done enough damage... I cannot lose them. We need them for the Trials." She pulled away from the edge of the rooftop and walked behind the Xenomorph as it lurked to the other side of the rooftop- looking around for anyone dangerous. The White Woman, instead, looked around the city herself as the wind-tossed about her long white hair. While she and the xenomorph determined which way the way-ward xenomorph was, Vinny was hurriedly pulling on a thin, baggy maroon pop-culture sweater as he fumbled up the stairs to the rooftop. He pushed open the door and the Xenomorph near the White Woman snarled in his direction as he put a hand up, "You cannot make such actions."
"Sorry, but I want to go-" "No, you may not." Vinny twitched at her immediate shutdown without even hearing him out before the xenomorph growled and looked towards another building and she looked as well, Vinny following their gazes-
And they watched as some part of the darkness and shadows on the far rooftop moved. And something much bigger than a dog or a cat- or a human- slithered into an open vent with a long tail flailing about before vanishing down the vent as well. "Why?" Vinny asked and she looked at him, "Why do you need to go?
"...Some journeys must be done by ourselves." The White Woman told him, "Your planet... has people who look like me. They speak as I speak, they move as I move; but where I have traveled from? There is only... me. I am the only one of my kind there." She explained,
"I have no history or origins that I know of; the place I came from is the only place I know... but when these Trials are over, I will need to return. Do I need these children for the Trials but myself? I need to know if this place is where I belong; with these people who speak and walk as I do."
"You... don't have a family?" Vinny asked and the White Woman shook her head, "So... when the Trials you keep talking about are over... where will you go?"
"...I do not know, Vincent La Rue..." She said and as she spoke, two long limbs of the xenomorph lowered into the window, their boney phalanges empty and open like the sky; and she took hold of them firmly as she stepped upon the window sill and allowed herself to be pulled out into the night. As she moved across the rooftops, her mind drifted to anything but the task at hand.
Seeking Salvation
Science FictionNo one could remember how she had gotten there in the first place, but it was clear; she didn't belong somewhere like the Game Preserve, among their dangerous prey when she had risked herself countless times to save their wounded brothers and bring...